I don't know if you have permanent premises, so I don't know if it'd be easy to store stuff. Maybe the storage itself is something worth asking for funding to secure ?
Consumables though, such as craft materials, not just paper and plastic, but rope, willow, raffia and the like, and the tools to work it too, don't come cheap. Not so much the knives and axes, but the peelers, pruners and folding laplanders type things
A bit of forethought, maybe make Christmas wreaths and sell them for a local charity ? as part of the pack's involvement in their area.
They learn skills and they do good things with them
Seasonality at play really.
Badge work has changed greatly over the years too, maybe equipment to make it easier to take the cubs through a theme ?
Books and computer dvd's, or perhaps funding for courses for the Leaders so that they themselves have more skills to share with the cubs.
I know my own packs ended up struggling to get children to places because transport became a huge issue. We had guidelines from above that using family cars might not be covered by the insurance
and public transport didn't always go where we wanted, when we wanted, and coach hire has never been cheap. Maybe funding to subsidise coach hire to specific events or sites ?
Tell us more about your Pack though