cool primitive bowshooting vid


Sep 5, 2008
I cant understand how he can still hit that target without taking arrow length, spine weight arrow weight and draw length into consideration, even when I do the maths with my modern recurves I'd still struggle to make those shots..

For exactly the reason mentioned above.
Too much info,too many things in your head,I'll bet he shoots totally instinctive.

When I was a kid a mate of mine whose father was an archer had tried to get him interested and had bought him a cheap fibreglass bow as a starter. He just thought it was boring so he swapped it to me,I cant remember what for(remember swaps,do kids still do that).

Anyways,that bow and four arrows went with me every where and in a very short time I could hit things not 100% like the chap on the film but certainly 90% of the time.
Same sort of sizes as his target and same sort of distances.

At some point the bow got broken and I forgot all about it.

Some years later with the memories of the good times had,I decided to join a club,a well known one in Surrey where the coach is a very well known teacher at all levels.

I told the story of playing with my fibreglass bow as a kid and shot 6 arrows.
After 20 years it was going to take more than 6 to get my eye back in,but I was told everything was wrong from my stance and grip to my draw length.
So suitable adjustments were made.

Guess what?? Yep I have never been able to hit a barn door since.

Must be a moral there somewhere :D



Aug 12, 2006
The vid is working for me as well now, that really is some impressive shooting! :eek: And almost more impressive bow making, I'm so jealous :(

For exactly the reason mentioned above.
Too much info,too many things in your head,I'll bet he shoots totally instinctive.

your right there gunslinger. when i was a kid I got interested in blowpipes, I made one out of a meter length of steel pipe and spent ages shooting balls of clay and homemade darts at things. the last time I tried I could still get three homemade darts inside a 2cm cercal from about 10m (as long as there is no wind) and I don't think about it at all. Its all bout mussel memory not logic.

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
I think he shoots very much by instinct. Some of his other vids he is even shooting from the chest not drawing to the eye. Like most other things he does he is good because he practices a lot, he doesn't just do things once or twice or even a few dozen times. He told me he spent a year just doing feather sticks practicing different ways, looking how different indigenous peoples did them working out what worked well for him and his local environment. He is out in the woods 2 or 3 times a week practicing his skills, concentrate on one thing for a year and you will get very good.
I understand shooting fully by instinct, I do it too now after giving up on target archery, but even a good instinctive eye will not cause a wrong spine weight arrow to fly true, he even cut it down ( this will alter it's weight, his draw length and probably the spine weight also) and it still flew to target!!!??!! Thats hard to believe, I'd love to see the guy in the flesh, he must be an impressive character!


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