Will I find that a 30lb bow I will get board because it's low powered and end up buying a more powerful bow a few weeks later?
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First question would be have you pulled a bow before? I would take the folks' advice regarding lesser poundage seriously. Realistically unless you're freakishly developed in muscles orientated toward archery (ones you won't know you have until you've pulled a few rounds!) you will find an ideal beginner poundage to be between 26-30. This being that as others have stated you will become frustrated, also you'll end up beetroot red, heaving and shaking like a leaf trying to group any in gold. I wouldn't recommend compound until you have the basics of recurve. Most clubs will not teach you compound until they pass you for basic safety and skill. Recurve/longbow are deadly Compound is ABSOLUTELY deadly and in unskilled hands very very dangerous! From experience when I started I was exactly the same as you tomcoles but the most important thing about archery is technique and repartition learn that at lower poundage and it will serve you in whatever you do from then on a decent recurve bow using carbon arrows, with a poundage of 28-32 (you can change limbs to upgrade poundage with decent recurve bows) will hit 50 yards easy with decent accuracy. Most of all you need to enjoy it and improve over time!