cheap ration packs?

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the tricky Items to copy/find are:
vegetable stock drink (though a stock cube like "knor"/"Oxo" would be similar).
Screech (orange/lemon drink powder) closest thing probably Lemsip :( (better for you though).

Vegetable stock drink - try vecon stock powder. Comes in a tub, just decant into a freezer bag.

Orange / lemon powder - lucozade do a powdered sports drink with plenty of e-numbers :)

Should have added I've got a few packs of the real orange / lemon powder if anyone wants some
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Nicked from someone on this forum but can't remember who, Lidl do a couple of fruit teas that are basically fruit drink crystals. Not quite screech (love the stuff) but dump in a shedload of sugar and it's similar enough.

I drink the lemon and mixed berry all the time (prefer the mixed berry) when coffee gets too much to palate.
ADD SUGAR :eek: the ingredients are Sugar then Dextrose as the first two ingredients. The directions say use 5 heaped spoons - I use 2 or 3 if I want it sweet. I do have a sweet tooth but don't take sugar in hot drinks.
It tastes quite good. The peach flavour leaves a little to be desired though
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I sometimes use Wayfarer foods, although not much now because its so much cheaper to take a bucket of rice or whatever. You can get them from lots of outdoor shops such as Blacks, I did some price comparisons a while ago and you can't get them online for much cheaper.
Where I got mine last: Typical meal £3.50 (+ postage so order in bulk)

That's cool, but two meals and a pudding will still set you back at least tenner + postage. Loooking at this, for eg. And you get the three retort packs plus all this:

Chicken Noodle, Crunchy granola bar, Cup a Soup Oxtail, Fruit Biscuits, Kendall Mint Cake Chocolate, Chewing Gum, Mixed Fruit, Isotonic drink, 4 x Tea Bags, 4 x Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, Hot Chocolate, Tomato Ketchup, Scouring Pad, Pocket Tissues, Antiseptic Wet Wipes

Obviously your £5 ration pack, if they can still be got, are better value still. I haven't tried for a while, I've still, just, got some stocks - including my last RCIR :-(

The best way to DIY on the cheap is tins, irish stew, all day breakfast etc, but when doing more than walking from the car park to the woods, there's a reason retort packs are popular - better fit in your pack, lighter waste and you can brew up / heat meal simultaneously.

Does anyone know any such good and cheap meals? Sainsburys do a "Long Life Bacon Brunch" which is very nice for brekky and filling @ £1.69. I've occasionally used "Look what I've found", but while nicer, it's not much cheaper than wayfarer, and the packaging means wasting brew water.


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