Cheaky two nights at a nature reserve( pic heavy )


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
brilliant pics mate know the spot well myself,fancy meeting up there some time with the families for a bimble and a cuppa?


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
if i read another another camping trip on a nature reserve i will report you.

Really really disappointed as i've absolutely loved your other threads and trip reports, please please please stay out of nature reserves, they account for only 0.6% of our country so it's not difficult to find other less fragile places to camp and enjoy yourself.

hey gixer given your whole 11 posts on this forum maybe you should calm down and keep your head down til you know the lay of the land,making threats on open forum is the sort of thing that causes discord for the whole community.As for fragile ,well the place has survived man for thousands of years,mega fauna,heards of bison and 3 iceages,wild fires,floods and copicing so really do you thing a chap sleeping there for one night is going to destroy it? and no one person will not lead to every tom dick and harry camping there as there is a distinct lack of facilities for the average joe


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
hey gixer given your whole 11 posts on this forum maybe you should calm down and keep your head down til you know the lay of the land,making threats on open forum is the sort of thing that causes discord for the whole community.As for fragile ,well the place has survived man for thousands of years,mega fauna,heards of bison and 3 iceages,wild fires,floods and copicing so really do you thing a chap sleeping there for one night is going to destroy it? and no one person will not lead to every tom dick and harry camping there as there is a distinct lack of facilities for the average joe

+ one to the above. Fishfish has stated my feelings better than I could. Anyway great pics and thanks for sharing.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Thanks for posting Mouse, good to see the young ones out and about. A great level headed reply earlier as well, that's how all these things should be handled goodjob.

and just so the thread doesn't wander off let's keep it to the OP for our comments, enough's been said about the misunderstanding earlier in the thread.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
We, on the whole are a very friendly and understanding bunch, although we don't always agree, i have been in the past guilty of one or two over zealous comments, some of which on reflexion, i would not have posted.

To be fair to gixer, he obviously feels very passionate, about our lovely little green island, and is against people appearing to trample over the bits of it that are special, but as been said, he perhaps should have asked one or two questions, before he posted, he did similar on the 4x4 offroading thread.

I have had time to think, how i would have responded, and still feel it would not have been in the very grown up way Mouse did.

Still, it wouldn't do for us all to be the same, i for one will not bear a grudge, and put it down to passion!!




Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
The more we teach kids to enjoy the countryside, the more they will respect and care about it. Fence it off and let no one use it and they won't know what they have, so won't care what they've lost.

Great trip report.


Full Member
Aug 23, 2009
The more we teach kids to enjoy the countryside, the more they will respect and care about it. Fence it off and let no one use it and they won't know what they have, so won't care what they've lost.

Great trip report.

I agree 100% with that. What is never seen is never missed.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Confusion about permissions out of the way, looks like a good trip.

It's great that the reserves mangers let you camp. I used to un-officially give the nod to folk who volunteered with me when I managed reserves. By the time they'd spent some time working with me I'd get an idea of if they were trust worthy or not. Only thing I'd say was camp off the beaten track and leave no trace and to report any decent wildlife encounters to me lol



Full Member
Apr 26, 2013

Next time I will use my brain abit more when choosing a heading

I really should of elaborated on the permission more when posting I have an extremely close relationship with most of the local wardens due to the amount of time I spend doing the voluntary work on the hope that one day ill get a position out of it ( get a driving licence and ill get one if I didn't hate cars and driving it would be easier )also my degree in environmental conservation and environmental studies kind of put me in the trusted category as regards to respecting the area

And I do what is regarded as the most unwanted job of all The school trip supervisions and talks So I get some perks

But to be honest wild camping on a reserve is bloody hard to get permission for so I class myself as honoured


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
School visits are one of my favourite things. I love showing them around my sites, I get to go rock pooling now with groups which is ace.

Unfortunately a drivers licence is pretty important if you're looking to get into working for the reserves as you'll normally need to get to a few sites plus lugging all the tools and everything is hard work! Best of luck with it though its an ace job ;)



Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
I love the school visits I'm also involved in a special needs schools d of e this year and I'm really enjoying it would love to specialise in bushcraft for kids with special needs


Dec 16, 2012
Firstly maybe you should of asked the very important question of wether I indeed had permission to
Camp which I can assure you I 100% did
Secondly I would pay good money for you to come and tell me where I had camped as I leave no trace at all
I volunteer on x3 such reserves and an responsible solely for the donation and erection of over 130 bird and bat boxes so my bad example to anyone is always give more than you take

But thanks for the comments And glad you enjoyed the other posts

Fantastic work on the volunteering, i mean that in all sincerity.

Commendable that you sought permission as well.

Problem i have though is

  • There are better less environmentally sensitive areas to camp
    As a result i can think of absolutely no justification for camping and having a rather large roaring fire in the middle of a nature reserve

  • Even IF you have the correct permission from the correct parties (not just some warden you bought a pint saying it's ok) then as a bushcrafter you have a responsibility both to the environment AND the image that is portrayed as a bushcrafter
    Just think what ramblers, birdwatchers or the like would think about our hobby if they saw you.
    Or if local kids saw you and automatically thought it must be ok to camp there

  • Even IF you have the correct permissions for the correct parties i think it's unlikely they would have approved of a fire that size

  • The fact that you titled the thread sneaky does you no favours, it shows me you knew exactly that it wasn't right doing what you did

I have a permission in some woods on a farm the owner trusts me completely, i could if i wanted have a 5 foot high fire every night till there was no wood left.
I could blast away at every vermin with my shotgun till i ran out of either shells or things that moved.
I don't do either because i feel a responsibility for the area, if local kids heard me shooting away it would attract them like moths to a flame, the same with a big fire.
So even though i can do pretty much what i want, when i want i still keep a low profile.
This is on normal run of the mill farm land NOT a nature reserve.
So all because we can do something it doesn't mean we should

I have been reading this forum for years only recently joined and don't post often.
There have been many posts i disagree with but even when i didn't agree with posts i could still see some fracture of understanding there.

I cannot see why anyone that is supposed to enjoy nature would camp in a nature reserve though.
It's arrogant, irresponsible and selfish even IF you have the correct permissions for the right organisations.
Nature reserves make only 0.6% of our beautiful country, why disturb them, attract critism from other outdoorsies and organisations and potentially encourage other even less respectful campers.

So my questions are
  • Other than 100% selfish and arrogant reasons, WHY camp on a nature reserve?

  • What have enhancements have you bought to the area and other organisations by camping there?

  • Why post on a public forum the fact that you sneakily camped illegally on a nature reserve?

There is absolutely no gain to made by clearly stating you were sneaky and it was a nature reserve all we need is the RSPB, ramblers association, BASC, or anything group of conservationists or outdoors enthusiasts to read about your trip and you've set a black mark against the image of bushcrafting.

You say you have permission, you say you left no trace i do not know you though and care more about our pursuit and image of bushcrafting than i do about your feelings, i couldn't in good faith NOT bring any more sneaky camping trips on nature reserve to the attention of the right authorities
Not sure why that casts me in a bad light as the only thing we all have in common here is we all care about the land and keeping our pursuit sustainable.
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Fantastic work on the volunteering, i mean that in all sincerity.

Commendable that you sought permission as well.

Problem i have though is

  • There are better less environmentally sensitive areas to camp
    As a result i can think of absolutely no justification for camping and having a rather large roaring fire in the middle of a nature reserve

  • Even IF you have the correct permission from the correct parties (not just some warden you bought a pint saying it's ok) then as a bushcrafter you have a responsibility both to the environment AND the image that is portrayed as a bushcrafter
    Just think what ramblers, birdwatchers or the like would think about our hobby if they saw you.
    Or if local kids saw you and automatically thought it must be ok to camp there

  • Even IF you have the correct permissions for the correct parties i think it's unlikely they would have approved of a fire that size

  • The fact that you titled the thread sneaky does you no favours, it shows me you knew exactly that it wasn't right doing what you did

I have a permission in some woods on a farm the owner trusts me completely, i could if i wanted have a 5 foot high fire every night till there was no wood left.
I could blast away at every vermin with my shotgun till i ran out of either cartridges or things that moved.
I don't do either because i feel a responsibility for the area, if local kids heard me shooting away it would attract them like moths to a flame, the same with a big fire.
So even though i can do pretty much what i want, when i want i still keep a low profile.
This is on normal run of the mill farm land NOT a nature reserve.

I have been reading this forum for years only recently joined and don't post often.
There have been many posts i disagree with but even when i didn't agree with posts i could still see some fracture of understanding there.

I cannot see why anyone that is supposed to enjoy nature would camp in a nature reserve though.
It's arrogant, irresponsible and selfish even IF you have the correct permissions for the right organisations.
Nature reserves make only 0.6% of our beautiful country, why disturb them, attract critism from other outdoorsies and organisations and potentially encourage other even less respectful campers.

So my questions are
  • Other than 100% selfish and arrogant reasons, WHY camp on a nature reserve?

  • What have enhancements have you bought to the area and other organisations by camping there?

  • Why post on a public forum the fact that you sneakily camped illegally on a nature reserve?

There is absolutely no gain to made by clearly stating you were sneaky and it was a nature reserve all we need is the RSPB, ramblers association, BASC, or anything group of conservationists or outdoors enthusiasts to read about your trip and you've set a black mark against the image of bushcrafting.

You say you have permission, you say you left no trace i do not know you though and care more about our pursuit and image of bushcrafting than i do about your feelings, i couldn't in good faith NOT bring any more sneaky camping trips on nature reserve to the attention of the right authorities
Not sure why that casts me in a bad light as the only thing we all have in common here is we all care about the land and keeping our pursuit sustainable.

Can I quote you from elsewhere on the boards: -

It's a very English thing this "out-ragged from Derby" thing, in most other parts of Europe or Northern US most folks wouldn't bat an eyelid at off-roaders enjoying the countryside.

Yet us Brit's seem to get our knickers in a twist except when these vehicles are used to save us after a fall.

Funny thing is the same out-ragged people are often the ones that are leaving scorched fire pits over the countryside, dropping litter, or starting camp fires in seasons they shouldn't in areas they shouldn't.

If one area is overused then it will deteriorate quickly, if it's muddy it gets even worse.
But then take a look at a farm in areas livestock trample, take a look at a field being ploughed, even before us humans graced this planet how much erosion do you think Dinosaurs caused.

Our planet is a finite thing it WILL be destroyed, be it asteroid, sun burning out, the big rip, super volcano or what ever other theory floats your boat, there will be a day the earth is no more, so why not live and let live and enjoy it while we can.

I fail to see a consistency in your arguments. Where do you really come down on our precious finite resource? I'm genuinely interested.



Dec 16, 2012
Can I quote you from elsewhere on the boards: -

I fail to see a consistency in your arguments. Where do you really come down on our precious finite resource? I'm genuinely interested.


There is no consistency between the 2 quotes due to 2 words Nature Reserve

The 4x4's were on land that was specifically earmarked for their activity.
A nature reserve is land that is earmarked to have something of special interest that needs conserving, why desecrate these areas by camping and having roaring fires when we have so much land to enjoy that is not as fragile.

If he was out helping and was caught out and HAD to camp the night i could understand, if he was catching and tagging bats at night i could understand.
But to pre-plan a camping trip with the kids, specifically choosing to trudge off footpaths and sneak about, then start a roaring fire smack bang in the middle of a nature reserve that's frequented by other outdoor enthusiasts, when there are many many other less fragile areas jut seems very very selfish and irresponsible to me.

If i had no choice i would camp anywhere, but this was a premeditated act with absolutely no thought for anything but having a good time with the kids and to hell with the amount of damage done by trudging off-path and having a roaring fire and to hell with the consequences of putting up a thread on and public forum specifically stating he was sneaking about.

I am all for enjoying nature even stealth camping, not in nature reserves though, not trudging off-path (in a nature reserve) and not having a roaring fire to cook from it's not like we are don't have a wide choice of various discrete stoves is it.

Lets say in the next 5 years 20 people read this thread, know this spot and decide to try for themselves, lets say they camp there 4 times a year, it's not going to take long before we start shooting ourselves in the foot and start to rile up other nature lovers or even worse organisations, and for what there is nothing to be gained by camping in a nature reserve as opposed to stealth camping in a wood on farm land.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding

Hardly a roaring fire.....a dad n his lads....hardly an environmental issue.
Unlike urbanism, drug culture, thievery, rape, pedofestism an the rest.
Get a grip an lets not let our ancestral heritage slip.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Gixer I'm tired and will respond tomorrow, but one point. You keep stating that he's "Sneaky", but the thread title is "Cheaky" which although spelt wrongly and should be Cheeky takes one of the premise of the argument away.


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