Can anyone identify this animal?

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No one would be walking a dog near there as it's off the public footpaths and dead ended in the sense that any non adventurer/explorer could navigate through the brush and terrain. I am off to change the memory card in the morning so let's hope there are some more clues on there!

Could it be a fox cub or otter cub?

It almost looks like it's bolting and you can see the white of its eye???
Could it be another rabbit/hare, with it's ears down and back….there's a little white flash to the tip of the one at the seven/eight o'clock position from the 'eye'.

Is it possible there is Myxomatosis in that area? I've seen Bunnies in the final stages of Myxy that could have won a starring part in 'The Elephant Man' film, with their grotesquely swollen heads and bulging eyes. That would account for him apparently coming from the Bunny hole.
Could it be another rabbit/hare, with it's ears down and back….there's a little white flash to the tip of the one at the seven/eight o'clock position from the 'eye'.


I agree with this. You can see why scientists end up using trail cams in pairs now to get alternative angles of animals. There's an interesting bit in a book I've got called 'Candid Creatures' which describes how a trail cam picked up 2 photos of an animal thought to be a new species. Scientists ended up having to draw the image on the photo out by hand to try and make sense of the shapes they could see and it was decided to be a more common animal seen at a funny angle.
Is it possible there is Myxomatosis in that area? I've seen Bunnies in the final stages of Myxy that could have won a starring part in 'The Elephant Man' film, with their grotesquely swollen heads and bulging eyes. That would account for him apparently coming from the Bunny hole.

Possibly. I have just been through the footage from where I relocated the camera and there is a bunny with a huge lump on one of his front legs! I have heard of a few mixys round here.

No chubacabra I am afraid, Colin.

I have now to add to the list of sightings.

A rat
An owl
Lots of pictures of a very fast stoat. So fast the video can't react quick enough!


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