Most of the women I meet are just to busy to sit on the internet all day to discuss thier hobbies, or are put off this site by other factors
I'm curious as to what those factors are, in your opinion.
In my opinion factors that put women off this site are,
1) there is a lack of other women,
2) there many too many blokes talking about clothes, and other vacant things.
3) the odd pillock that sits in an armchair all day and thinks it realistic for women to look like glamour models while chopping wood.
This is not blaming any one. Half the problem is the prejudices we form before we know BCUK and the individuals behind the user names. I know before I when to my first NW meet I was convinced I would be the only female, the only one bring children, the only one with an interest foraging, and only one not green camo, in a hammock/bivvy, or in the army. I felt this because of the way forums work those that post the most have the greatest voice, so with hobby like this the armchair experts that can sit there all day gassing about what they can buy seem more numerous than those that have a life and have spent time acquiring real skills. I had to go to meets to realise that there is others, that include the rest of their family in their skills, and aren't obsessed with boasting about expensive kit.
This is just my opinion.
Piddock just for reference I am a 280lb body builder with a mustache who never shaves her legs.