A bit of a departure from my usual pictures of the moot as this year I decided to showcase the new direction that my outdoor life is going.
That is not to say I won't still be travelling lighter when the situation suits it, but as Viking re-enactment is becoming more difficult because of eyesight issues, I am now moving into a retro / old school / "steampunk" style of camping.

I was joined on this camp by John and Jane, fellow crafts people and they set up their wonderful, home made Yurt / Ger. Sitting and sharing skills with them and other crafts people was one of the most enjoyable aspects of this years moot for me.

The Yurt made a fine addition to Steam Tent Corner as it has now been dubbed.

We were down by Dingly Dell braving the midges that seemed to have eaten all the wasps this year.

I must also thank the Dingly Dell crew for their fine hospitality on more than one occasion.

It is my custom to take a craft project with me to the moot, to fill those in between moments that sometimes occur.

This year I constructed a Ditty Bag for tools and equipment needed on the go.

I particularly liked this design as it allows easy access to the lower part of the bag which is often difficult with duffel style bags.

Evenings were often spent just chatting around the fire or visiting other parts of the moot site.

There was much interest in the group and the camps we organise but a common refrain was "We'd love to do something like that but couldn't transport all the gear."

My response is that is precisely why I am taking so much, so that others do not have to. I have a van and most of what is needed already.

Much of the equipment I had on display is for communal use, providing the beating heart of the Steam Tent Co-operative encampments.

For individual members the basic requirements are much simpler. Some vintage style clothing, a chair to sit in, a cup, plate or bowl and their own tent to sleep in.
At many events we also have a "plastic camp" slightly away from the "canvas camp" for modern tentage. Not all canvas tents need to be dressed out providing they are kept closed, so people are able to participate according to their ability or circumstance.
The group is set up as a Co-operative so that we all can work together to create an atmospheric environment to enjoy our time under canvas.

In addition to the night photography shoot we organised we also helped Mags and Phil celebrate their vows with an evening shot of the happy couple.

For me, spending two weeks in the company of like minded, creative people at the BushMoot is one of the highlights of my year.
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