Bug out kit


Mar 8, 2006
Some thoughts:

Does your wire saw actually work? I've tried a couple, and they were junk.

What is there to snare in the Netherlands? Have you ever snared anything?

Salt works great for brushing teeth.

Gauze pads and tape might be important in your first aid kit.

53 meters of rope and paracord is a lot.

Yes the wire saw works if you keep it straight and under tension. But it is definitively fragile.

Pheasants, rabbits... I used to live in Italy and there I did some snaring as a (misguided) kid

Clothing can be used and duct tape works as tape (even better sometimes)

About the rope.. it's a lot but in my experience you're always short, and I can always practice some knot skills while bugging out..

Bottom line: if everything we say on the forum would be applicable in our daily live, we wouldn't bother about the internet;)
Duncan thanks, the perm marker for the kids is a very good one!

dont for get to do every body including you
in a floodetc it will help Body ID as well (unfortunatly) if the worst happens or your found unconcious and seperated (never is enough seats on the rescue chopper and the yalways try and come back for you after dropping the rest of the family off but plenty can happen)

on BOBs in general if they contain anything sharply pointed or bladed etc etc etc beware you could fall foul of the law carrying in the car as Just in case isnt a lawfull reason

i would also consider maybe having some Pyrotechnics ie signal flares or smoke (not shure on the legality but im guessing day/night flares etc are still oks and sold to boaty types )




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