Brockwell Wood's Bushcraft......


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
*************** WARNING CONTAINS ANIMAL PREPERATION PICTURES *******************

ok, here goes..... Got ready on Friday morning after sorting some things early on, off i went hacking along at the very fast 50mph speed limit on the A1 (great). Got to the wood about 12:30hrs with no problems, it took about 1 1/2 hours ish to get there from Thirsk..........

I Had a mooch around after picking up the saw and spade that was waiting with my map......I parked the car by the wood store out the way, and I was away to the woods......Through the 2 gates and down the track...........

got set up and got a brew on... the picture in the Brockwell Meet thread........
The wind was realy bad, so i picked an area out of the wind as best i could, it also had an open area to teach at and was close to the track, so it was a good all round area realy......had some food and got to bed early as i was on my own (after i made a spatulor by the fire light)......I layed in my doss bag and hoped no trees fell on my head during the night, because it WAS that windey....but it was great very windey yes, but it was totaly awesome, laying there listening to the owl's......i heard 3 different types of call (i think) but dont know the species, sorry.........

on Saturday the rest of the lads turned up, not as meany as was exspected but hey ho......

spooney had some problems with his landy so MT350 who had just arrived went to help him out even after paying, so well done and very noble, its a shame, you both missed a good weekend though....

im going to do another post now with more txt and pictures so please bear with me.......


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
ok..... Joely and Minstrel turned up and started setting up just beyond me, it was by a small open area where i wanted to go but could not due to the wind.......
the whole wood is great, mixed woodland and pine, loads of dead standing and dead fall for fire wood....we had loads of Birch in our little bit so fuel for the fire was a constant job....
here are a few pic's of Joel,John and Mark (merygold85) who just come down during the day, both days, so thanks Mark...

we did some very basic flint napping, fire craft with the fire steel, we played with char cloth, cramp balls and all sorts is tinder typle stuff from my teaching kit.....we did the bow drill starting with my old kit, then made a new one each, for John and Joel, we used Sycamore seasoned for 18 moths, i brought this with me as i did not know what wood was about, you could use the wood from the site if you looked around more though.....a realy good effort to all, John especialy who has never tryed the bow drill and gave it 110 %.........WELL DONE John..........Joel who has used the bow drill before did very well to and managed to get a coal and blow some tinder to life.......this was no mean feat as the humidity was around 80-85 % and was starting to rain......well done Joel...........

sorry about the link, having problems uploading images.....DOH......

as you can see we did some game prep, bunny,pigeon, and pheasent........we cooked it up with some stock and pasta for an all in one meal, mmmmmmmm it eas great.......

all in all a realy good weekend, so thanks to all, id say we had a great time and it was well worth the trip up to the woods..........

the lads who have pic's please post up. i might be ok at bushcraft but im pants at pic's, so please help aaahhhhhhhhhhh.........LOL............and Joel get some of that video footage up mate.......

regards to all..

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
hey Drew......awesome spot, my pic's just dont do it im camera run out of battery and it's pants anyway............

thanks for telling us bout the spot........


rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It was really good to meet a few of the group on Saturday afternoon, sadly I couldn't get back across on Sunday.

I've managed to upload the first bit of firelighting video here:

but the next bit ( after I'd replaced the camera batteries!) is still to come;)

I'll be popping back across to Brockwell for a good look around and a bit more chat with Ike, so keep watching!

all the best



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
Thanks Steve, again good to meet you missed a good day sunday, we dit flint napping and bow drill, the lads did realy realy well......

thanks for coming down mate.....



Sep 11, 2010

Firstly I want to thank you guys for a great time this weekend, even though I missed the booze up, ha. I am a nooby and this was my first time in the woods doing this type of thing and I really enjoyed it. So thanks again. I can't wait to get out now and familiarize myself with the techniques, and maybe next time I'll be able to spend the night :D

I took a load of photos, some which are a bit less than good, and have uploaded them to photobucket, here :

But for any lazy people out there I will put a few on here. The girl in the red is my girlfriend Claire.












Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
Mark thats awesome mate.......i realy realy need a new

great pics, shows a bit more of the wood too...........

great job this weekend Mark keep it up mate....



Dec 15, 2005
Good stuff Chris, looks like you had a good time buddy.

Sorry I couldn't make it this time but I'll try and make the next one.


Sep 27, 2010
Fantastic weekend! great bunch of people! Big thanks to chris (lannyman8) for organising it and sharing his knowledge....and home brew :)... thanks to john (minstrel) for drinking most of the booze so i didnt have to carry it back to the car haha
great to meet steve (rancidbadger), and mark..and claire (merrygold85) thanks for coming guys.

Videos are being processed as i type so will be a link up here later today hopefully :0

Thanks guys, Joel


Feb 9, 2009
What a cracking meet... great to meet all who made it, and those that nearly made it!

I want to thank Chris and Joel for their organisation and generosity of time and produce on and before the weekend. These events don't just happen without someone prepared to make it happen. I'm happy to have skinned, gutted and prepared a bunny, to have prepared a fire making kit (even I didn't have any success....yet) and to have had a go at flint knapping.

The site is, on first impression, perfect for our needs. There is a plentiful supply of firewood, there's a stream, there's cover from wind exposure, there's sufficiently mature trees for hammocks. The walk in was about 600 yds, mostly level along field margins. There was a bit of mud on the way in but the woods were well drained. The location should/could lead it to be a meet point for those prepared to travel up from York and those to drop down from as far north as The Scottish Border/(bandit :pokenest: ) region.
Further, the site owner is keen to work with groups like ours. Given that we could offer some service in the wood he would be happy to cordon off an area we could utilise exclusively: this might be an asset worth pursuing.

Anyhow, I look forward to another get together at Brockwell wood.

Other than Chris and Joel it was good to put faces to names with Rancid Badger and Merrygold85.

I'm sorry I have no photos to offer but it seems we're well covered in that department.

I look forward to seeing you all again.



Sep 27, 2010
ok so this is a link to the first video,you can find the others from there on, or by searching on youtube for joely82. There are 5 altogether from the meet, didnt think i had recorded that much but believe me i sat through 92 minutes of it last night narrowing it down to 5 short vids. I tried to get the best bits in but so much that i left out because of rubbish camera work or poor sound etc due to me...... probably would have got better camera work from a wild chimp rather than me so i apologise in advance.
Watching it back through last night brought back some amazing memories and the vids just dont do it justice!

cheers, Joel

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010

just spent the last hour watching the vids,....

i,m gonna concrete the next one into me diary,...

i could see how much thought Chris had put into having plenty to do,...

and the empty wine bottles, ??...were they for some special kind of fire lighting experiment we never heard of ?..hahah


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.