British Native Trees


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British Native Trees
Their Past and Present Uses;
including a guide to burning wood at home.
By Piers Warren.


I was recently bought this book for my Birthday, I had seen it and expressed an interest. I do enjoy carving,
but do far too little of it and although I have a fair amount of knowledge of what trees and woods have been
used in the past for specific jobs, it's always good to increase ones knowledge even if just by a little.

The book itself is not a huge tome that's very appearance gives one a sense of forboding, it is only 83 pages
in length. Infact I read the whole book in a morning including a break to cook and consume brunch in the middle.
Don't expect the book to be a definitive guide to trees in the UK, it's not, it is however a very good read,
providing good information about the historic and present uses of trees that are native to the UK.

In the first part of the book the author has provided tips about the types of wood, the seasoning and storage
of wood for use in woodburners at home, even providing approximate cost of a flatbed transit full of wood logs
(do bear in mind that the book was first printed in 2006). Inside can be found the old poem "Logs to Burn",
which has far too little use in these days of electrical and gas fired central heating.

The second part of the book focuses on the past and current uses of specific woods in the UK. When it comes to
uses, don't expect tutorials on how the woods were used, it provides a statement in many cases and no more,
however for people that have an affection for carving or manipulating wood to produce an object or device the
skills may already be present, even if the the knowledge of the wood that was historically used isn't.

The author basically states that the book is more to do with generating the idea of what various woods can be
used for as much as what they have been used for traditionally.

The third and final part of the book basically informs people of resources that are available, giving both online,
postal addresses and telephone numbers in some cases.

As a book that costs less than £6 from amazon I think the book was worth it in a big way and I would happily have
paid it myself.

ISBN 978-0-9541899-5-2
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Sounds good and a nice review, I may have a wee peruse after the festive rush is over. Cheers for posting up.


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