if you're out and about and get savaged, try slapping some scrunched up ribwort plantain leaves over the bite. they contain a natural anti-histamine. works well for netle stings, wasp stings and horsefly bites.
I have had that unfortunate experience too, a few years back now.Is it just me ? Got bitten 2 weeks ago and a big reaction. Large swelling covering whole forearm. Went to pharmacy and he sent me to walk in centre. Antibiotics cleared it a week later
Three days ago it happened, this time other forearm, bicep and shoulder ! Got sent to A & E and got IV antibiotics and anti histamines and steroids. Swelling still not going down.
What’s going on ? I never had anything like it on 55 years
What got me is I didn’t see it or feel a bite... only noticed the pain some 8 hrs later. Both times occurred while cutting the grass in the grounds at work.
Sounds like my luck too.I thought it was just me ... and half of the nurses at work thought I was just being a wuss