Holy hell Red, you won't sell a story that way! It's almost like it's . . . accurate or something
1st rule of modern journalism:
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story
more importantly; if you work for a local rag but have delusions of grandeur, make like a "proper" hack!
I had to smile about the "couple of empty beer bottles" left lying in the park too.
When we were kids, about 5 years old onwards, we regularly snuck old knives out of the kitchen draw and played " split the kipper" in the garden.
This is a game similar to what Red mentioned, involving throwing a knife into the ground to get it to stick, then reaching out with one foot to touch it. First one to fall is out.
Oh lordy! I've just thought; to determine who had first throw, we often used to use a
proper beer bottle top, one with all those
incredibly dangerous sharp edges round it, for a heads or tails toss up-
again of course; the
risk of being blinded by the sun, as you followed the arc of the top as it spun or indeed,
knocking heads as you bent down to see the final result of the toss!
That's me scarred for life and I just never realised the trauma I had suffered
On a more serious note:
Without these rather well educated, scare mongering tosspots; we'd be totally unaware how dangerous life is