Birthday Money to spend!


Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
I've just got some birthday money and was just wondering what to spend it on?

My first thought is for a Hennesey hammock, where's the best place to go what's the best one to get.

Should I spend it on something else. Thoughts and feedback would be appreciated? ;)


P.S. Be quick SWMBO is eyeing up the money and some curtains in Next! :eek:


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
pibbleb said:
I've just got some birthday money and was just wondering what to spend it on?

My first thought is for a Hennesey hammock, where's the best place to go what's the best one to get.

Should I spend it on something else. Thoughts and feedback would be appreciated? ;)


P.S. Be quick SWMBO is eyeing up the money and some curtains in Next! :eek:

Do you really need a Hennessey? I mean, they look great - they are great, I've got one ... but is it a good system? The fly is relatively small, but you can go for a larger hex fly. And most important: the entrance ...
Did you used a HH before? If so, how did you find this method of entry? Compared with (for example) a Magikelly system (no affiliation, nor any experience with) you enter the hammock in a normal (more logical) way ... The HH method is a pain, although you get used to it if you're out for some time.
But if you used one before, and you're happy with this, go for it!
If not - my advice would be try before you buy. And not only a quick in and out of the hammock to get an idea, but for a period of time (say a weekends outing).

Good luck with it mate!


Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
Hi there, I like your signature by the way!

I appreciate your comments and any guidance for and against are welcome.

My hammock experience is limited. I have, in the past been a hardened ground dweller, but I've become a little concerned about my back and the last trip i went on I spent the weekend with a fold up bed, Not very Hardcore.

Whilst away someone let me place with their hennesey hammock and I like the security it offered and the instant feeling of sleep kind of helped.

It wasn't the easiest thing to get into but I've seen to many comic sketches and candid camera moments to believe any hammock is easy to get into.

Hence the question really, any advise of suggests welcome.



Full Member
What Johan said is quite true, a try before you buy attitude is something worth while in the long run.

There are many different types of hammock out there, see if you can get to a meet and talk to the people using them.

There is only one type of hammock that people tend to always so they are not worth it and that is generally the lightweight net hammocks (unless you are storing kit in them.

I am familiar with the army, DD and Thai hammocks. The army ones are not really worth the time and effort. Thai and DD hammocks are enclosable, both are viable alternatives to the Hennesy.

They are cheaper, but you do not get a fly with them, having said that though it gives you more in the way of options because this then gives you many choices of fly / tarp that you could buy as an option.

If you are going to be using it year round you will need some form of insulation for under the hammock, whether you make your own or buy an underblanket it is still going to be more expense.

It may be worth looking at your current setup and asking yourself if there is anything that can be used for hammock and ground dwelling. It could work out cheaper and provide you with other options.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
pibbleb said:
It wasn't the easiest thing to get into but I've seen to many comic sketches and candid camera moments to believe any hammock is easy to get into.

Haven't tried the HH, but ordinary hammocks are actually quite easy to get into after a bit of practice. Compared to trying to get into a small tent while drunk, it's a doddle... ;)


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