Yep - often paired with a puuko by Saami people - about a 9" blade (thin though). Gives a lot of cutting power for not much weight
I use a 8 inch camp knife or a 7/8" leuku full tang knife plus a necker when on expedition type courses, for bushcraft I think this combo is a must when traveling light, my large knife is used for shelter building and heavy jobs while my small necker is used for carving and food prep etc, id reccomend this combo if you was going out doing it proper, it eleviates the real need for an axe and a saw. If you use a 3 inch utility knife then either an axe or saw is probably needed but again horses for courses, in the jungle a machete is king and in arctic conditions may be an axe, as in either place you are less likely to be sitting around whittling spoons etc but either coud be used to improvise one. And if you was put in a survival situation a big chopper rules over small as it is more utilitarian. As has been said before each situation has its own merits. Just my take on the question
Any of these, depending what I'm doing or what I am pretending I 'really need' in the headrows of sleepy sussex.
Now that pair I really like, do you have any info on them please.