And I shall deserve those flames, and possibly use them to grill something protein-based 
Mrs Tobes allows me a week away every year to go and do manly things, and for a few years it was Woodlore courses, but then I saw the price of the Survival School expedition (very reasonable) and cancelled my booking to do that instead.
And yes, your point about the booze is something I already know. What's interesting is how easily I can 'switch it off' during these periods of abstinence, I really don't miss it. That leads me to think that my problem is a combination of an emotional dependence, and the extraordinary ability of booze to deliver a nice big hit of carbs. But that will be another thread in the future...

Mrs Tobes allows me a week away every year to go and do manly things, and for a few years it was Woodlore courses, but then I saw the price of the Survival School expedition (very reasonable) and cancelled my booking to do that instead.
And yes, your point about the booze is something I already know. What's interesting is how easily I can 'switch it off' during these periods of abstinence, I really don't miss it. That leads me to think that my problem is a combination of an emotional dependence, and the extraordinary ability of booze to deliver a nice big hit of carbs. But that will be another thread in the future...