Well the Axe is one I designed and have done group buys on for BCUK after getting the design right with Cegga - costs about £45 for a (singe craftsman handmade axe) when we have any (which we don't right now). It comes with a basic mask but my mate Singteck mate the belt hanger for me - he's very reasonable but you would have to ask someone else to do one now as he's gone back home for a couple of years.
Leon 1 did the possibles pouch for me - somewhere about the same price as the axe. The belt was less - can't remember about £30 I think.
The knife needed 5 seperate craftsmen to make (including hand engraved nickle silver bolsters, laser blade engraving, custom tooled sheath, specialist heat treatment and of course an entirely custom knife by Stu). Theres a thread on it somehwere showing it made (search on "Precision Field Knife" - I think the thread was called "An Entirely New Knife"). Its the best knife I have ever handled or seen. The price was very reasonable