Your Honour, given the accused testimony, could I draw your attention to article 97 of the Norwegian constitution, article 4 of the Law on General Provisions in the Netherlands and more to the point, clause 3 of article 1, section 9 of the United States constitution. All are in agreement with the aforementioned Russian constitution and indeed, the Turkish constitution as well. This points towards the fact that I have given you now five facts. These facts can not be disputed, I have ensured this by justifying these facts in your presence, so I see no other option than to see the accused as guilty, ignoring the accused's defence of insanity as the accused has not cited any of the constitutions I have cited. That fact alone should be sufficient to convict on the grounds of ignorance of the law, which is no defence at all. Furthermore, the accused shows no remorse, nothing that indicates that the accused will not derail another thread in the near or distant future. Coupled with the accused being ignorant of the constitutions I have mentioned, this is surely a case where the accused should be found guilty and punished within the accordance of the law that you determine fit to punish the accused under.