base camp


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
Now then gang

your going camping for six weeks in a relativly unkown area and you will be base camping with lots of trips for a few day at a time a way from base camp by your self.
bear in mind at base camp there is your family and friends who want to get in to camping and the outdoor life and havent as of yet
the question what would you take

bear in mind base camp is in a nice secluded wood but the rest is up to you


ps reason i ask is purely out of curiosity and to sea what people would take to make none bushcrafters get in on the life style
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decent set of dutch ovens and cookware.
bow saw cause i wouldnt trust friends with no experience to use an axe,
assortment of mora knives and sparksticks,
decent sized tarp for communal area, tents for them as its a virgin group and they seem to get upset about the potential for creepy crawlies bedsharing, though also bivi bags for them if they get more adventurous
someone else with outdoors experience to share the work before the camp virgins get used to it, someone else with first aid training (it might be me injured)
erm i cant think of more at minute but im sure i will
six weeks is a very long time to have to play with,
how bout you drew?


Life Member
Dec 4, 2008




On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
well its why i am asking because i want to oganise a family holiday for next, not this summer,
but want to take them camping on a no facilitys/bushcraft site and well cos me mum and dad are retired along with me being able to blag time of and me bro and sis would come for as long as they could i thought i would ask. please note that me mum dad would be used to luxuary caravaning but i really want to teach them such bushcraft.

so my thought would be

my hammock and usual set up for me

but for communal we would use

dutch ovens
cast ion cook wear
but besides that i dont have a clue cos i am trying to get away from bringing the van if i can help it

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 29, 2009
Lost in the woods
Drew, Six weeks is too long for a first time.
A weekend is fine, and it sorts the wheet from the chaff.
Older people will need more of the comforts from home, you being a youngster may not.
Enjoy it when it does happen.


Dec 15, 2005
I'd pack the family off to Spain for a fortnight Drew then you can go and do what you want where you want.

If they're not outdoorsy folk I think it'll be hard to keep them from getting bored mate.


Mar 4, 2010
Northwich Cheshire
Heyho ,
I think that's a bit full on for new campers ( you will be bushcrafting but they will be camping ) at least at the start . Why not do a few weekends first just to ease everyone into it .
Get a couple of cheap semi decent tents ( gooutdoors have an offer on for this week , you can get a 5man newbie dome/porch for £50) and go somewhere thats not going to be very crowded . but has backup facilities . and build up from there .
Cheers ,Trev .


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Six weeks is way too long IMHO; Dutch ovens are great IF, you can use them well as you will look a right idiot when you start burning the dinner.

Toilets are a must, creature comforts are important to new people. Try and find a nice basic site to use or maybe somewhere like Shell Island in North Wales which is a massive site but with room for everyone plus your in a wonderful part of the world for trips out during the day.


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
cheers for the advice guys now sending the family of to spain sounds like a good idea or wales is not bad idea either it was just that i fancy some real extended time in the wilderness and well trying to get that passed mum and dad is a nightmare unless i moved out of course but cant aford to do that just yet


Jan 4, 2010
Why not consider something a little more realistic, such as a day trip to the moon! Take retired people camping for six weeks? Have you ever spent that long living outdoors? I have and it isn't pleasant unless you have masses of infrastructure to try and maintain an element of civilised life. The idea of retired people showering naked in a field under a cold field shower would be enough to put them off, crouching over a pit in the ground for a toilet won't fill them with inspiration for being outdoors.

If I was you, I'd consider a location that will be warm and sheltered, accommodation that can be stood up in and moved around in, beds that will be comfortable and not directly on the floor and food of a decent standard comparable to being at home. Most of this can be achieved if you have the correct skills but I doubt many people would have one to such lengths in pursuit of their hobby and use kit out of the back of their car instead. I doubt retired people would want to be lashing sticks together to make their furniture so would need everything bringing on site, it could get expensive considering they may not enjoy it.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2004
Manchester UK
Hey Drew I know you want your folks to experience the thrill and excitement the outdoors holds for you, and having met your folks I think they'd be up to the challenge but a month and a half is hardcore mate even for an experience bushcrafter. Why not suggest a couple of days at the moot? Lots going on, a safe and pleasant environment (proper loo's, showers dish washing facilities, first aid provision etc) and tons of people to visit and learn new skills. And there is still that "bushy" feel that you can set them up in a nice little spot in the woods, not too far away from anything they need, (possibly a ways from the naughty corner for their sanity and a quiet evening). You can do workshops with them, take them walking on the dunes, visit the castle.... the list goes on


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
yer not a bad i dea that dave but it was just a thought that maybe doing some proper bushystuff away from the moot would be a good idea cos i fancy it but they and bushcraft just dont seem to go together and well iam trying to get out there and do some but if i turned round and said i am of bushcrafting for an extended period like six weeks on me own they would want to know the ins and outs of a fart and it would course more trouble than its worth. so cant really but if i took them with me i possibly could get away with it but i dont know maybe its just an unrealistic idea


Feb 5, 2010
South Wales Valleys
instead of a 6week static camping trip why dont you try and travel? im still looking at doing it in the summer for a month or two and am really looking forward to it.

That way your camping out, but can still visit any attractions to keep your party amused?


Feb 5, 2010
South Wales Valleys
its a good thought, and a good way of bonding with the family, either that or someone will end up like jack nicholson in the shining. did u have any idea where u were gonna stay? camp site or local woods?


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