Bad Trip

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Full Member
Jun 29, 2004
thats what i mean spamel , u describe it better than me mate .i have just tried to look this up and things like outer body experiences and astro projection are coming up (starting to wish i had,nt looked into this ) might put me off going to the woods again ,keep an eye oot for cheap bushcraft gear up for i alone for getting this almost every time i am outside at night.the part where u can,t move is very alarming the only way to describe it is being paralysed you feel your brain is fully awake but u can,t move a muscle can be really quite startling to say the least , actually starting to wonder why i go to the woods !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Full Member
Jun 29, 2004
don,t think i,ve ever had hallucmacallumsss thank god.but everything seems very vivid and the paralysis is not good.why only when outdoors though ?


Apr 27, 2005
If you consider the fact that we use less than 10% of our brains, and we just do not use our senses to their full effect. A six sense could well be just that extra information.

Nearly everyone who has ever been to visit a concentration camp, will tell of feeling uncomfortable, so an ability to sense death could will be encoded in our DNA.

I must admit so far I have always slept better outside, and I have had a couple of spooky incidents.


Jul 8, 2007
If you consider the fact that we use less than 10% of our brains, and we just do not use our senses to their full effect. A six sense could well be just that extra information.

Nearly everyone who has ever been to visit a concentration camp, will tell of feeling uncomfortable, so an ability to sense death could will be encoded in our DNA.

I must admit so far I have always slept better outside, and I have had a couple of spooky incidents.

quite possibly, animals can sense emotions, fear,sadness etc makes you wonder.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I have a different theory on the concentration camps, Aushwitz is supposedly deathly quiet and nothing grows there due to the ash from the bodies burnt in furnaces there. If nothing grows, animals will not need to venture into the area as there is nothing to eat or perch on if they are birds or hide in if they are mammals. Hence the overwhelming quiet.

Still doesn't detract from the eeriness of the place though.

In Wood

Oct 15, 2006
Leyland, Lancashire.
To answer the question of how I sleep when out, really well thanks.
I always have a good night sleep and feel refreshed, even though I usually wake earlier than when at home in bed.

I have stopped out in many, many places all round the world, sometimes you get that “feeling” something is not right, sometimes you feel like you are being watched which usually turns out to be true as you find out later. (how did you know???)

I have never really been spooked so bad I have had to bug out, I think it is a “don’t be so soft” voice that is in your head, you say to yourself, if something comes in or at me I can handle it. In prior times I have been armed and known I could deal with a knock, been with buddies I knew I could rely on, in bushcrafting alone I usually have a knife and an axe so they offer comfort against big things with teeth.

This was the first situation I have felt “unwanted” by a place!

There are far too many things we as a race, quickly losing unknown skills, are quick to write off as hocus pocus or mind games.

What ever the answer it seems weird to me that more than a couple of people have had the same experience in different areas on the same night.

To quote from a film “I feel a great disturbance in the force”.

Wonder what went down?

Big Bad Stu

Jul 18, 2006
I have read this thread with interest. I fully believe that we can sense things, if you look at someone in the street sometimes they seem to know and look back for no apparant reason.

Last year my mate, Neil, and I were dropped off after dark at a bivvy spot that I had been eyieing up for a good while (think years!). It is a stand of birch trees on the edge of an open moorland. This is one of may favourite places in the world. It is about 500m from the road.

We set up our hammocks and lit the fire, had a brew, talked rubbish and drank some whiskey (not much you understand just a nightcap). We retired at around 11pm. I awoke in the early hours, I wasn't wearing a watch so I cannot be certain of the time. I was absolutley certain that someone was walking through the camp. I lay there for a long while until I drifted off again. It was kinda scary!

In the morning Neil reported that he had heard me snoring as usual but hadn't seen or sensed anyone in the camp.

I spend a fair amount of time out in the countryside after dark lamping for rabbits, dog walking etc. and it usually doesn't freak me out. I tell myself that I am the scariest thing out there (a fat man armed to the teeth!).

Years ago I did a stint as a milkman on a rural round. I used to stop in the same place everyday to have a drink and sort out the van. I always felt I was being watched where I stopped. Weird.

Sorry for the ramble.


PS Gill don't pack it all in, go with a buddy or just stay out in the day.


Apr 4, 2007
Southend On Sea
To answer the question of how I sleep when out, really well thanks.
I always have a good night sleep and feel refreshed, even though I usually wake earlier than when at home in bed.

I have stopped out in many, many places all round the world, sometimes you get that “feeling” something is not right, sometimes you feel like you are being watched which usually turns out to be true as you find out later. (how did you know???)

I have never really been spooked so bad I have had to bug out, I think it is a “don’t be so soft” voice that is in your head, you say to yourself, if something comes in or at me I can handle it. In prior times I have been armed and known I could deal with a knock, been with buddies I knew I could rely on, in bushcrafting alone I usually have a knife and an axe so they offer comfort against big things with teeth.

This was the first situation I have felt “unwanted” by a place!

There are far too many things we as a race, quickly losing unknown skills, are quick to write off as hocus pocus or mind games.

What ever the answer it seems weird to me that more than a couple of people have had the same experience in different areas on the same night.

To quote from a film “I feel a great disturbance in the force”.

Wonder what went down?

I hear your thoughts about being thenaswtiest thing around, but it wasn't the idea of things around that worried me, it was the place i was in, i could veryy easily be the baddes mothertrucker in the valley, but if the valley decides to drop a rock on my head it's not much good!

There was a definite feeling that after dark the land itself had a problem with my presence, it's really different to explain, and i'm sure i would have been ok physically if i'd stayed there but there was a much stronger feeling than normal, something was definitely threatening


Full Member
Nov 12, 2007
Me and some freinds camped out under a tarp in bivy bags last thurday night, whilst we was cookin supper i was hearing what i thought was foot steps breaking twigs, i walked out the camp a couple of times with my torch to have a look around and could'nt see anything or anyone,

then my freind explained it was just the acorns falling from the trees, i have not camped out this time of year before but once explained things were fine,

The worst thing for me is when the fire is light you cant see out of the camp


Full Member
Jun 29, 2004
thanks stu , no chance of packing it in .although i was freaked out i,m a bit like yourself i feel i am the biggest ,badest thing out there , I HOPE .no the way i look at it i have been a nightclub bouncr for over 22 years and believe me i think i have seen most ! so to my way of thinking the real scary things are in the towns and city,s .i know on some saturday nites where i would rather have been , even glen trool.


Oct 1, 2008
south wales
lol reminds me of when I took one of my friends younger brothers and his friends out to the woods earlier in the year. when we got to the site I decided to use for the night I left them to put up the tarp while I sorted everything else out. when I came back the tarp had fallen down and was just held up by two strings. then all they decided to pack was cans of alcohol so I ended up babysitting a bunch of drunk teens (who snored loudly) when I finally decided to go to sleep (after everyone had stopped snoring) I find my dog had nicked my sleeping bag and was curled up in the bottom and wasn't happy about being kicked out. then I was woken up in the middle of the night by a strange buzzing sound. sitting up I find I had dropped my sleeping bag on a wasp nest (yes fun luckly no stings) so I rumage through my pack for my hammock and strung it up between a couple of trees just out side of the camp only for everyone to start snoring again


Feb 3, 2007
Hull, uk
i would have to say its all down to an over-active imagination, obviously it is quite possible that you may be been watched but i would say you are been watched be somthing animate, not ghostly.. i for one have never had any bed vibes so to speak, i would sudjest this is becouse i am very rational and aint superstitious in the slightest! in my opinion everything that happens has a cause and consequence.. ie.. if you hear some wierd noise it has to be coused by somthing,, it didnt just happen, it would be quite easy for your imagaination to run a mock if you let it..

remember been a child and been afraid of the dark! this was becouse you didnt know any better, any your inabiltiy to rationaly explane the situation.. as someone has already said fear is a lack of knowlage..

also animals would feel this exact same thing, one bird spooks anothter and inturn spooks the rabbit ect.. this was probably caused by the little guys in the woods reading a book by fire light lol... and in turn the birds and rabbit spooks the guy.. a visuous circle of fear!!!:lmao:


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Being aware of your surroundings is something that you do naturally. Some people are much more active then others IMO. I can tread quite quietly when i want and yet find that I am aware if others try to creep up on me. There have been some that have startled me though, they are obviously very stealthy and I'm not as aware as I'd like to be. There are those that spot things from miles off, I'm not sure if great eyesight is the overall factor involved there, but awareness of movement in your peripheral vision and quickly locking on to the source of the movement. Remember, a lot of the senses we would have relied on have taken a back step as we no longer need to be sharp and spot that animal that will feed our family tonight if we can bring it down, no longer do we have predatory animals that could injure or kill us running about the place, unless you count chavs! Our senses need to be sharpened and honed, I reckon there is probably an exercise you could do to try and sharpen your skills up in this field. How many people wander through a forest and suddenly realise the bird call? It's probably been doing it all along but you weren't interested before. At the Midland Meet this weekend, I turned suddenly when I heard the call of a woodpecker. Some of the others had seen it, but even with them pointing it out I couldn't see it. You could see who the sharp people were though as all turned towards the sound immediately, even though we were having a full on conversation. Those were good examples of people tuned in to the woodland sounds.


Sep 23, 2008
you're right, places have a "feel" to them but people have their own perceptions of it.

I live in lincoln, there's loads of used and un-used raf places round here. I shoot on what was once skellingthorpe airfield which has plenty of stories, whether they're true or not, I don't know.

The first concernes a lancaster bomber which crashed at the side of what is now a field, during the day if I stop near there, even if I don't think about it I get a feeling of grattitude and immense respect. It's quite a happy feeling but if I'm there after dark I like to keep moving because I also understand the loss of peoples lives. This may just be imagination though.

Another part of the land is wooded and I have it on good authority (from those involved) that my shooting buddy's uncle was banned from ever seeing his girlfriend again by her father. He went into the woods and shot himself and wasn't found for several months. These woods, to me are usually welcoming though I'm not allowed to shoot in there and I've always felt I'm in the presence of a friend in there, even when I'm alone and I practice much of my bushcraft there by day. I don't stay the night however and if I did I'd stay at the other end to where he was found because it's a very different place after dark, a place neither me or my friend will usually venture unless we have to.

A few miles away, there's another wood where me and my father used to shoot (though we weren't allowed to) and, to me it's another wood I avoid at night because like you said - I just feel unwelcome there, like something doesn't want me in there - and not just the gamekeeper!!

I also have strange reactions to these things, if you get me talking about ghosts or hauntings I fill up to the point where tears roll down my cheeks, I don't feel sad or any other emotion - it just happens. I've often wondered if the same would happen if there was a ghost nearby but, as yet, I couldn't say.


Apr 27, 2005
Have you ever been to Lincoln Castle?

The chapel there is a strange place.

I never really get this sort of feeling from the outside. It requires humans, for a place to have an issue for me.


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