
Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Just a pointed reminder:
If it is your intention to go for even a day-trek in the snow, play safe.
Do an avalanche course to learn the do's and the dont's.
Learn to judge snow conditions. The collapse of something as little as a 30' slope can kill you.
You are NOT going to like the cost of an Avalung nor the price of a Pieps beacon. Even with probes,
have you learned how to conduct a methodical search?

If not then you are hopelessly and inadequately prepared.

McBride is the #1 snowmobile destination in all of North America. Google Earth will show you that much.
Cat-skiing, cross-country and snow-shoeing are common, room for everybody.
Maybe 5 heliski companies might be flying out of McBride on any given day.

Lots of unusual mid-day helicopter traffic Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.
Two snowmobile riders caught in a slide up the Dore' River late Saturday afternoon.
Bunch of other riders recovered one body, location of the other is unknown.
Local volunteer Search & Rescue agreed with the Jasper National Park professional SAR team
that the slope was still too unstable for a ground search to begin for rider #2, presumed dead.

That does not stop the wolves and the coyotes and the bears (they're out already) from searching for
a large piece of meat.
Be mindful of what can happen. The Coroner's Office released a statement years ago, we can predict who will die.
Male. 18-45. From Alberta (next province east of British Columbia). Usually poorly prepared, if at all.

You can sense the discouragement throughout the village. This is looking west from near my house.


Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Body #2 has been recovered. His Pieps beacon was working, detected from a chopper survey (nearest landing place 2km away.)
Very risky chopper "hot-load" on 1 ski and the SAR team walked out. Area posted avalanche extreme hazard.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.