Article: Nature as Wallpaper


Jul 13, 2005
Near Washington, D.C.
While I don't agree with some of the points made here, I will wholeheartedly agree that it's all one world. A remarkable thing is the comeback made by many species amongst the humans, though that can't be said of everyplace someone has built a stone fence (so the trees don't stray). But it's certainly true where I live. For instance, I live about 20 miles from the back door of the White House, just outside of Washington, DC. If I want to see a whitetail deer, all I have to do it keep checking through the front window when I get up in the morning. Unfortunately, that also means a few collisions with deer by unwary drivers. In fact, an animal control officer had to dispatch one that wound up on my lawn with a broken hip. Two shots from a .22 rifle. She left the deer for me to deal with.

Other animals are out there, including foxes, groundhogs and beaver, though the beaver are difficult to actually spot, although some enterprising beaver cut down one of the Japanese cherry trees two blocks from the White House. Supposedly there are coyotes, too, but I've never seen one. I figure it's only a matter of time before we see bears and lions. As it is, there are deer within the city of Washington, DC, but there are corn fields there, too, so that isn't saying much.

Some people say we have a deer problem but if they could talk, they'd say they had a people problem. Likewise, for people who have always lived in the woods or the jungle, there is no wilderness. The animals are no wilder than the people.


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Excellent article, especially about things becoming like friends. Every spring I see wildflowers that have been absent since the same time the year before, and seeing them puts a smile on my face like meeting on old friend.

The more I look, the more I see, and the more I learn.


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
I know this article was written a while ago now, but I would also like to give genuine thanks to the author.

The other day I passed a few trees and could name them. I thought to myself how amazing the Rowan berries are this year. That is not something I'd ever said to myself two years ago when I first crawled out of my hole and started observing the natural world.

Edit: I actually found Mr.Elpel on Facebook and thanked him directly.
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