Smart Phones

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When ten minutes and eighteen hours had elapsed after midnight on the second day of the two thousand and twenty fifth year after an arbitrary point in time I was eating a delicious tea.


Written on my SMARTPHONE :notworthy2:OP
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To anyone who said they are not on social media can I ask what is this forum if not a form of social media?

A phone is a tool and if you use it as a tool it is quite possible to have a healthy relationship to a phone. Just liike coffee is both a simple drink and an addiction. It is how you use and abuse things that creates the problems we have with anything of the modern world. You have the power to mamage your use. However with anything that can become addictive there will always be pushers out there to exploit the addict. That is what many online medias can be. X, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, etc all exploit. Their algorithms all designed to explloit you more and more efficiently, however you can just turn it off so you have the power there.

PS my smartphone is 5 years old and my last one was something like 6 or 7. My partners old phone was something like 9 years old. So we are not governed by the smartphone exploitation. It is your choice to how much you let the smrtphone overtake you.
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In my view this forum is a type of social media BUT only to a point.

1. The forum does not seek to push notifications when I’m not on it
2. I’m not given the option to upload any taken photo to BCUK as a quick touch option
3. BCUK does not seek to know my location
4. BCUK does not want me to check in everywhere I go
5. BCUK does not recommend other members on the forum I might wish to interact with
6. As far as I’m aware BCUK does not want my contacts list, access to emails, web history etc

I imagine I could close my BCUK browser window and other than a few bushmoot emails I’d not hear anything ever again, whereas Instagram, Facebook etc are emailing daily with things I have missed with a view of getting me back browsing their platforms.

Social Media isn’t alone in this I grant you, I have a couple of estate agents who contact me regularly to see if I want to sell my house as they have people interested etc.
Still social media though, isn't it? Might not be as insidious as the others out there but still classed as social media, or at least that's what I always thought.
Maybe I don’t think of BcUK as a “social medium” because bulletin boards were in use long before anyone referred to Facebook, Twitter etc. as media.

I don’t even think of the old chat rooms like Yahoo as “social media“ but then personally I don’t like using the term anyway; I certainly never refer to the meeja when talking about published or broadcast news.
Still social media though, isn't it? Might not be as insidious as the others out there but still classed as social media, or at least that's what I always thought.
I wouldn't say so - not in the same sphere of influence or intent.
And certainly doesn't have the same behind the curtain carefully constructed mechanics to create/maintain dopamine reward type responses and use/sell indicative preferences as commercial data.
Personally I hate them. Use the camera more than anything else. Bought one for work and it’s always on silent and gets switched off in the evening and weekends.
My iPad is just used for here, researching knowledge or YouTube only. Beats the Tv.

My children are addicted to them, can’t do anything without them, even having a meal.

Waiting for the future child to come out the womb with one in their hand.
Still social media though, isn't it?
If we are to be literal about the definition of a social medium then you’re going to include festivals, art galleries and the pub.

The term social media is a convention that I come across frequently but which has never formally been explained to me.

I’m not a Luddite. Others can and shall do what they will without affecting me. I may be completely misjudging Facebook, I’ve never been involved in it. Simply have no use for and can’t be [delete] bothered.

Oh but the Reminders. The smartphone is my prosthetic memory for dates, meetings occasions and activities from five minutes to two years hence!
Personally I hate them. Use the camera more than anything else. Bought one for work and it’s always on silent and gets switched off in the evening and weekends.
My iPad is just used for here, researching knowledge or YouTube only. Beats the Tv.

My children are addicted to them, can’t do anything without them, even having a meal.

Waiting for the future child to come out the womb with one in their hand.

Its the little darlings who do a museum tour glued to their device that gets me.

you can of course download tours but not at my museum; we are interactive.

<Tengu glowers and scowls at parents.>
Its the little darlings who do a museum tour glued to their device that gets me.

you can of course download tours but not at my museum; we are interactive.

<Tengu glowers and scowls at parents.>
You’re blaming the parents because the museum has a phone tour set-up? Perhaps it’s the museums fault rather than the parents that have taken them there….
For me smartphones are a revelation, a veritable gift. We both have good ones.

I can tap the screen and have Merlin identify that I am listening to a Raven, Skylark & Curlew simultaneously.

I can split logs whilst listening to John Lewis-Stempel's "The Wood"

I can then sit on a log & "talk" to John on social media about his latest book since we follow each other.

I can weed the vegetables whilst talking to customers, check stock levels, place orders etc. Because I have a dual sim phone I can know it's a shop call when it comes in and answer appropriately. I can also be notified of shop emails & text messages.

I can dig over the compost heap, know that someone is ringing our bell hundreds of yards away, see them and talk to them.

I can take high resolution videos for YouTube and be paid for them.

I can take high resolution photographs of the log splitter, write articles about it and make a living that way.

When night falls I can point my phone at the sky and a free app tells me exactly which stars are which. Another identifies wild plants and helps me learn them.

When out I have an interactive 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey map on my phone that plots my position and route in real time. It was free when I bought the paper map.

I love the simple country life. A smartphone makes it much more interesting and economically possible.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.