Are you a sexist


"Neo-eisimeileachd ALBA"
Dec 1, 2005
I see the hairy legged and no bra representitves of the female gender are now saying that old fashioned chivalry is a form of sexism.

Well I,ve got to carefully put my hand up and own up to be guilty guys, oops cannot say that, sorry dear oops at it again, oh for Gods sake oops cannot really say that, oh no I,m rubbing their faces in it because he was a man.

Better sit down and take it easy I,ll just take it easy and be careful I don,t get up too quick and offer a seat to a passing pregnant or elderly female person.

I must be bad because I walk on the outside of the pavement when walking with my wife, I,ve got to own up to even holding the door open for people. I have always picked up the bills when out eating out and entertaining, I,ll need to stop that.

I have even been officially branded as working for a white male chauvinist macho fire brigade. Well I suppose I should apologise for everything above, brought up in an area where men were men and sheep were timourous.

But the poor middle aged women who could not walk, talk or even open a door at last years Take That concert at Hampden for the 3 nights due to having to buy their own alcohol, funny enough they at the time did appreciate the male helping macho chauvinist chivalrous hand picking them up after falling about everywhere and then helping them into the ambulance.

I now just put my hand up and admit that I am a man and wrong and then say nothing, it saves time.

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
A man laughs at the PC brigade and does the right thing regardless of other opinions.Right will always be right .PC will pass in time.


"Neo-eisimeileachd ALBA"
Dec 1, 2005
Yes Mountainm I have had many a backlash professionally which you just have to ignore, but don,t take this thread too serious because my wife wouldn,t allow me to really write anything like this unless in jest.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
She shouldn't worry her pretty little head about it... :pokenest::p:rolleyes:

You'd think such thoughts wouldn't normally penetrate a perm would you? (Now where's that poke nest smiley?)

Sexist? Yes and guilty as well as proud of it. Get tired of the mind games though. "If you were a Gentleman you'd hold that door open for me." followed by the next woman saying it with scorn "I'll get it myself, thankyou ."

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I've often wondered when it became the norm for the female gender to define "acceptable behaviour" for the male gender....but not for the reverse to be true.

If this is about equality....surely either women should stop telling men how to behave....or men should start telling women :)

Wild Thing

Jan 2, 2009
Torquay, Devon
Guilty as charged M'lord

Phil, i'm the same as you, always hold doors open for poeople, not just women. Stop at a door to let someone else through first etc. I've done it all of my life and i'm not going to stop now.

The only backlsah I ever had was when I held a door open for a woman and she virtually hissed at me " I CAN DO IT MYSELF, I'M NOT WEAK AND I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP". So I let go of the door in her face and she grumbled.

So I offered her a lighter so she could burn her bra :D.

Needless to say, I wasn't too popular with her :swordfigh

You can't please everyone all the time, and my wife appreciates me, so I carry on regardless :beerchug:


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
Filcon, i'm 100% with you mate !

i have suffered many bad looks, barbed comments and downright rudeness when being what i concider a gentleman and showing good old fashioned manners. Holding doors open, giving up my seat, letting ladies go first, offering to carry heavy shopping etc etc etc

( thought for the day.....women want to be as good as us, doesn't that show a lack of ambition ? shouldn't they want to be better than us ? Hahahahaha )

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
I will never stop doing what I think is right in holding doors and offering my seat, or standing when a lady joins the table, but if someone doesn't like it then the door will be shut in there face and the chair pulled away from them, simple, courtesy only extends to a limit, If your not gracious enough to except it, tha'ts fine. I will still offer the same courtesy to the next person. till I'm about 75 then I will mostly be drunk and in a horrible temper.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
( thought for the day.....women want to be as good as us, doesn't that show a lack of ambition ? shouldn't they want to be better than us ? Hahahahaha )

By George, I think you're on to something there! Hang on a sec', I think they think they already are. They just feel the overwhelming need to remind us of it... often.

Love your comment, Wild Thing about offering your lighter so she can burn her bra. I'll have to remember that one


Full Member
I thought it was just good manners to open the doors, I mean if I am there first, then I will open it and hold it open for anyone I am out with, male/female doesnt matter.

I have been called a sexist before where I used to work for holding the door open, she took it to our HR deptment, who just LOL'ed in her face. As I said to her the next day, while holding the door open again, that there was another door next to it if she wanted to open her own door.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I will never stop doing what I think is right in holding doors and offering my seat, or standing when a lady joins the table, but if someone doesn't like it then the door will be shut in there face and the chair pulled away from them, simple, courtesy only extends to a limit, If your not gracious enough to except it, tha'ts fine. I will still offer the same courtesy to the next person. till I'm about 75 then I will mostly be drunk and in a horrible temper.

This, coming from someone he who bear-baited Emma. :lmao: You change your tune faster than a woman changes her mind about how the colour of the kitchen tiles (AFTER they got grouted)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
Its our fault, we gave the little darlings the vote, things have gone down the pan since, now you've your got short haired, pot belly, fag rolling, boilersuit wearing, tattooed, studded, vegan types of dubious orientation laying down the rules. We bought it on ourselves.

Rik,get of the fence,stop beating around the bush and say what you think.

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
This, coming from someone he who bear-baited Emma. :lmao: You change your tune faster than a woman changes her mind about how the colour of the kitchen tiles (AFTER they got grouted)

Hahaha, the courtesy of helping her beloved see that she had bought him a lovely gift, she turnt on the nice gesture so the war began, It was all over a simple misunderstanding, someone will have to explain it to her.


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