Are we weird?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
It's not often I consider something weird and it's not often that I'm considered normal :D

However on two separate occasions on a campsite......

I was 'attacked' by a fantasy LARPer who thought that because his 6 foot claymore sword was plastic that my two masked axes were too - the metallic 'Ting - Ting - Ting' as I tapped them together stopped him in his tracks and strangled his 'battle-cry'. We then had a short chat about the wisdom of positive identification :nono: :lmao:


An attempt to happy-slap me - whilst I was carrying two axes and a bill-hook (again, all masked). They came running through the brush straight towards me - 'There's someone, lets happy-slap him!'. They were scouts :( Although they didn't know me their Leader did - he hadn't stopped their 'fun' because he thought it would be a good lesson in learning to respect strangers; and he was also too busy laughing himself silly :D

The Cumbrian

Full Member
Nov 10, 2007
The Rainy Side of the Lakes.
I have a hard enough time trying to explain why I go climbing, and this is to people who live within twenty miles of the first recorded rock climb in the world.
Trying to explain camping without a tent ( in the winter! ) and you can see them backing away slowly...


Jan 2, 2005
Central Brazil
Are we weird? Yes.

When I first arrived in Brazil I ran into alot of resistance to the type of thing I do here. People associated it with Indians or homeless people. Once they started seeing photos they changed their mind. Now I have a waiting list of people who want to do trip with me. I only have kit to take four at a time. In the US I have a hard time getting people to understand that wilderness survival and survivalism are two seperate things. The one is for when things go south in the bush and the other is when things go south out of the bush. I don't run around in the bush with an AK-47. I leave it at home. Mac


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
I love LARPers. They buy all the reject stuff I don't quite get authentic enough for Living History. They provide me with an outlet for using up all the bits of chrome tanned leather and plastic straps I have lying around.

Yes, we're wierd, and a good thing too. Our hobby, pastime or lifestyle choice is keeping alive all the skills that once made us who we are today. We're a link to the past, and only by reflecting on the past can we plan for a decent future. Maybe that's what's wrong with the world today, nobody (except us and a few other wierdos) appreciates the simpler more basic things in life so they go hell for leather forwards without considering the consequences of their actions.



Full Member
Jan 14, 2006
I suppose in a way we are slightly odd.camping under a tarp in the middle of winter, playing in the woods etc... however i still view this as spending my time more constructively than gettting "off my face" every saturday night and i'm only 25. i wouldnt have it any other way though. it is something i have become so passionate about that i am even going back to college in september to study forestry and hopefully this will enable me to spend even more time in the woods.:D



Mar 2, 2008
I suppose in a way we are slightly odd.camping under a tarp in the middle of winter, playing in the woods etc... however i still view this as spending my time more constructively than gettting "off my face" every saturday night and i'm only 25. i wouldnt have it any other way though. it is something i have become so passionate about that i am even going back to college in september to study forestry and hopefully this will enable me to spend even more time in the woods.:D


I agree bushcraft is alot beter than getting involved with drink and drugs. I am 15 and alot of people think i am weird as i dont drink alcohol never mind doing buchcraft. I feel sorry that they dont get to go out and enjoy them selfs in the wood.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I just watched that LARP clip, I was interested as I had a chat with Bernie a month or so ago about LARP and i couldn't figure out what it was all about. I must say, I'm still a little bit in the dark, but it is definitely wierder than us lot kipping in the woods, eating beetles! At least our steel items are actually steel and can cut, just in case any tricksy hobittses happen amongst our camp at night!



Apr 1, 2008
Southend, Essex
I have always liked the country side, woods, fresh air, rain, etc but only very recently realised that bushcraft could be a great way to learn new skills and enjoy living with nature, rather than just off it. In my early 50's I have come to this a bit late in life (and know little about bushcraft) and have tried to explain to my family that this is not just healthy but extremely useful when Yellowstone Park goes up (or something similar). My daughter is is convinced that I am having a breakdown and my wife thinks it is not worth worrying about things like that, and why would you want to sleep in the cold when you have a bed?

Its nice to see i am not the only one who gets 'are you off your head' looks when I mention I should get basic bushcraft/survival equipment and skills.

I hope to find out what things are available in SE Essex to actually go and learn bushcraft skills instead of just explaining that it is not stocking a bunker with arms and food then waiting for the world to end!



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
Have just watched the LARP YouTube clip :lmao: and am now convinced that compared to them at least, we are not wierd!

Love the bit at the end when they try to shoot him with a crossbow!

I'll show the clip to SWMBO when she gets back, she'll never worry about me going to a meet again!



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.