
falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
I took my son to see Apocalypto yesterday http://apocalypto.movies.go.com/ and it was excellent. Nothing particularlly to learn as far as bushcraft goes but good costumes and fast action. Just thought I'd recommend it if you're after something to do at the weekend.
I went to the British museum last year and there was a Polynesian exhibition there. A lot of the costumes and weapons in the film were very similar to the artefacts at the museum. Especially I noticed the war clubs were the same or very similar. Anyway great film if you're into the cinema.

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
Since when has ANY holywood film been historically accurate Wayne. :confused: I don't care about politics or who is meant to have said what, or any other of the bickering and bull*hit. It was a good yarn and lots of action. I don't care if it was historically inaccurate or anything else it was a good film to see on the big screen. For me end of story.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Stickie said:
Apologies if this comment is inappropriate but I'd resent putting any of my money Mel Gibson's way given his recent comments whilst in his cups.
There's an interesting article about the historical setting for this film in todays Guardian newspaper.

I agree with you 100%


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 25, 2005
Greensand Ridge
In a hurried attempt to lighten up this thread before its goes truly pear-shaped; notwithstanding if comment was invited or not, may I suggest it is doubtful the “costumes” were half as scary as the site of Ray Mears in shorts!!


falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
It's just a film. It's not supposed to be accurate. It's a just a story about a fictitious group of Mayans (of course there were really Mayans) and a good old ripping yarn. We as many other cultures, tell stories, and sometimes we do it through films. And all those slating Mel Gibson. Havn't you ever said anything you've later regretted after a few drinks?..... For goodness sake 'high horse' and 'get off' spring to mind. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Anyone is entitled to go to see it or not. I merely wanted to let people know that if it's your thing, it's well worth watching on the big screen. If you choose not to go I'm sure Mel gibson will be able to survive without your custom.


Apr 28, 2005
out there
Thanks for the heads up mate. I cant think of many movies from Hollywood or elsewhere which I could say with any degree of confidence were based on a completely true story.....and I dont mind this. Its when someone is going out of their way to pass off their fantacy as historic fact which really gets my goat.
If Mel is selling this as Mayan adventure romp then its no worse than a John Wayne western.



Jul 19, 2005
Hamilton, lanarkshire
I'm going to see it this weekend with my wife. I'm looking forward to seeing it but not as much as her, she's been waiting a while for it since she heard it was coming out. And as for any historical inaccuracies, you should try sitting beside her when watching a period drama or film, especially the european based films. She's got a First class Masters in medieval history and is an expert in the royal lineages of europe so having a talking book beside you telling you whats wrong with everything gets to you. But this film is going to be watched for one thing and one thing only, to be entertained!! :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
Wayne said:
I have yet to forgive Mel Gibson the historical inacuracy that is Braveheart.

He wont be able to buy another beer on me

Right there with you mate. If you want to make fantasy, go ahead and make fantasy. Don't confuse it with history.

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
moko said:
Thanks for the heads up mate. I cant think of many movies from Hollywood or elsewhere which I could say with any degree of confidence were based on a completely true story.....and I dont mind this. Its when someone is going out of their way to pass off their fantacy as historic fact which really gets my goat.
If Mel is selling this as Mayan adventure romp then its no worse than a John Wayne western.


Quiote right moko- are ANY of holywoods films historically accurate ?- was Spartacus - Cleopatra - gladiator - any westerns like Tombstone etc accurate? I don't see there's any difference with this one. Braveheart was particularly ridiculous but a good old blood and guts yarn all the same and that's all this film is. It's one of those films that is great to watch on a big screen with all the surround sound, quite an epic of a completely ficticious story - great stuff :red: :swordfigh


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
Well, I can kinda see the point when you're talking about details of clothing and equipment etc... But when you take the names of a couple of historical figures and the names of a couple of battles and then write a complete fabrication around them, you've crossed the line.

I mean, how would people feel about a film in which plucky, working-class hero Winston Churchill single-handedly leads the Allies to a decisive victory at Gallipoli in order to avenge Kaiser Wilhelm's brutal murder of his secret lover, but which didn't even mention the wider war or anybody else involved?


gregorach said:
Well, I can kinda see the point when you're talking about details of clothing and equipment etc... But when you take the names of a couple of historical figures and the names of a couple of battles and then write a complete fabrication around them, you've crossed the line.

I mean, how would people feel about a film in which plucky, working-class hero Winston Churchill single-handedly leads the Allies to a decisive victory at Gallipoli in order to avenge Kaiser Wilhelm's brutal murder of his secret lover, but which didn't even mention the wider war or anybody else involved?

You mean he didn't........ ;)


May 19, 2005
Borås, Sweden
Wayland said:
You mean he didn't........ ;)


of course he did =) Sillywood says he did :p

Jokes aside, Mel gibson stupid drunkard comments aside, history lessons or not....

I saw Apocalypto and was genuinely suprised about the quality of the film. I'm still not talking about historic accuracy but just the cinematography and the dramaturgy (sorry about the spelling slaughter there ;). It's just a pretty good movie. Sure it got some clichés and some plot mistakes, but i found myself riveted and those couple of hours just flew by.

Compared to 99.99% of what comes out of the LA suburb, this was a nice suprise=)

Oh and to the people who hate Mel Gibson (and judging from every "professional" movie critic in the US, there are a lot of you ;), he's actually not IN this movie. Only directing it.

If you don't want to see it because you think Gibson is an Gluteus Holeus then by all means, don't see it. It will still be a good movie =)

And a final note regarding the violence that reviewers like to bring up. First off i didn't find the violence unnecessarily graphic. It was warranted in most scenes where it happened and this is a movie about a genocide, not a "Jungleboy III" movie. We've seen a lot worse scenes in films that have had oscar nominations but the director at the time was not hated by everyone ;) Secondly it IS a violent film. So if you have a issue with graphic violence, do not watch this movie.

Post got a bit longer than intended, sorry about that. Note that i am not condoning any of the stupid things Gibson has done. I am just pointing out that the film is actually a good one =)

Now, anyone wanna go bushcrafting in Sweden? It's january and it's soggier than your local bar on a friday night. No snow, 10 C and constant rain and storms. We're turning into the Amazon or something i think. :lmao:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 10, 2004
I am looking forward to seeing this and have been for ages,it looks like it will be a fun and exciting film.And I have to say I really couldent give a rats rear end what Gibson has said or has not said to be quite honest.As far as I am concerned he is entitled to say,think and have an opinion of his own as are everyone else,god I am sick and tired of all this PC crap!

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
CLEM said:
I am looking forward to seeing this and have been for ages,it looks like it will be a fun and exciting film.And I have to say I really couldent give a rats rear end what Gibson has said or has not said to be quite honest.As far as I am concerned he is entitled to say,think and have an opinion of his own as are everyone else,god I am sick and tired of all this PC crap!

Here, here. :35: :35: :35: :headbang: :beerchug:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
Of course he's entitled to his opinion. And other people are entitled to their opinions of his opinions, and to state them. ;)

As far as I know, no-one has said that he's not allowed to be a raving anti-semite. They've just called him out for it.


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