Anyone seen Avatar movie?

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Jul 2, 2009
The West
Hey y'all,

Went to see the new Avatar movie in 3D. It's an amazing movie and the 3D adds to it. Great story, great special effects etc but also, unlike many blockbusters, a great message too.

It makes its point very clearly about the industrial-military complex, globalization, and the treatment of indigenous peoples. From a bushcrafter's point of view it also makes some very good points on the destruction of the natural environment and traditional ways of living.

I'd recommend anyone to see it (all three hours of it) and I'm sure you'll all see what I mean.



Nov 28, 2009
It seemed to me like what would of happened if wed of had the technology when we fought the first nation people and the likes


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
Great film, bit predictable and hammers the message rather loudly but great film non the less .

The 3D things coming of age as well, there's been a few other 3D films that just haven't really made full use of it but this one was a cut above them.

Didn't seem like a three hour film either, had good pace and kept me interested.
Nov 29, 2004
I went to see Avatar 3D on Monday, I was expecting something that was quite pretty to look at but with a script that had been penned by a five year old.

Much to my surprise is was really very very pretty to look at, the 3D thing is so much better than my past experiences (admittedly those were from long ago). The script though not great was perhaps written by an intense fourteen year old, better than expected and all in all a really quite entertaining experience.

Two and half hours long mind you, so if your tempted, visit the loo before you sit down.



Dec 11, 2009
west yorkshire
lol i saw it when it came out and so far im responsible for sending 8 people to the cinema, mum and dad are skint so i even payed for them, its a lord of the rings rival!
If the message dosent move you the 3D will lol :)


Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
LOTR spectacle, but the story was pretty thin by comparison. The graphics where more advanced, but simpler too in that they weren't trying to blend with live action. Still...LOTS of processor time :eek:

I thought there was some good imaginaiton shown in the jungle creatures and they looked like they had tried to follow some sort of logical biological map, not just make up random critters for convenience.

Who else here has seen "The Coconut Revolution"?

Striking similarities. I wouldn't put money on Cameron not having hear of it.

Tropical jungle paradise (Bougainville) invaded by an alien culture (Rio Tinto Zinc) only interested in the mineral resources under the ground. Locals rebel and fight off first riot police, then the Papua New Guinea army supported by NZ* special forces and helicopter gun ships...starting with nothing but bows and home made weapons. The population was decimated, but continued on to withstand a seven year blockade and eventually make the mining company give up on the idea.

Transplant that to a fantastic alien world, up the ante for both the environment and the technology, and you are pretty close.

Note. I was going on memory here and have been told I got it wrong, not NZ forces, might have been Austrailian:eek:...senility setting in:rolleyes:. There were Western SF advisors in use by the Papuan army, but I would have to watch the vid again to remind me where they came from. On a side note, US and UK "contractors" were also brought in, but in an amusing twist, got sent packing by the army when it became public just how much they were getting paid.
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Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I loved the visuals , storyline was basic re-hash.

While i enjoyed the 3D Elements , being a non-spectacle wearer i found the glasses themselves a bit of a distraction.. I think i need 3D Wraparounds to stop me looking at the frame of the glasses... now that would be quite a look!!


Full Member
Mar 16, 2008
Who cares about the storyline!!! It was still the best film Ive watched all year, wasnt like going to see a movie, it was going for a visual experience. I loved the way so much detail had been put into the anatomy of the animals - the double eyes of the dragons, the breathing holes in the chest, then little lizards that spun off like helicopters when touched. Marvelous!


Didn't really notice the 3D effect. Maybe because I was sitting off center in the theater, or something.

Are you serious? :eek:

It was the most visually _stunning_ CGI based film I have ever seen and the best use of 3D technology I had ever seen. It doesn't matter where you sit, you still have the same effect - it uses particle effects more than anything, but it still looks spectacular.

A definite must see, not something you can wait for to be on TV - it just simply won't be the same.



Dec 11, 2009
west yorkshire
I totally agree about the glasses lol, i said at the time wrap arounds would be better. I dont like that i could see the rims (i dont wear glasses lol) but at 80p a pair cant grumble. Thats the best bit, it was actually a believable world, oh and if anyone has been to Universal studios and seen the 3D terminator, hes the one who made that, something like 14 years ago! hes got skills lol


Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
Without the glasses I could tell it was 3D, with the glasses most scenes looked pretty flat to me. Whenever I did notice the 3D effect and tried to focus on something other than the main scene, say focusing on some leaves coming out of the screen, I just got a headache. Both eyes work but I wear glasses for short sight, cinema specs went over the top.

Seriously, as visually good as it was, more than once I did think that if "this" was all there was to 3D it would be just as good in 2D. Clearly I must be some sort of freak :p. At least I am in the minority.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Without the glasses I could tell it was 3D, with the glasses most scenes looked pretty flat to me. Whenever I did notice the 3D effect and tried to focus on something other than the main scene, say focusing on some leaves coming out of the screen, I just got a headache. Both eyes work but I wear glasses for short sight, cinema specs went over the top.

Seriously, as visually good as it was, more than once I did think that if "this" was all there was to 3D it would be just as good in 2D. Clearly I must be some sort of freak :p. At least I am in the minority.

Nope. Just me and you in our little club.


Full Member
Oct 14, 2005
I really enjoyed it. As others have said, not the strongest story though. I still reckon it's a must see on the big screen and in 3D.

Did find the specs slightly distracting but that's because I had to wear them over my own :22::22:
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