anyone else out this weekend?

Evening/morning All
any one else going for an overnighter saturday night?
myself xander(Alex) and i camp @butlins(Pete) are off for a night up the permission once i have grabbed a few hours kip after my LAST NIGHT SHIFT!!! (sorry quite relieved about the last night)
got quite a bit planned some of it new stuff for me some new for Alex and Pete

heres the planned list of bits to do
sort the woodpile i have recently moved up there,cut and spilt some to be ready for next time.
lighting 5 man made tinders
making feathersticks and fine shavings
making a pot hook
cook venison in a dutch oven with assorted veg and a red wine gravy
id some trees and document their uses
make a twig fire
further testing of the ghillie kettle i have been sent to review
make amadou
test out the new bedroll.
drink some port
make charcloth and teach them how to use old school flint and steel
set up and use the hurricane lamps i have a plan to make a tripod to suspend them from to prevent damage
busy i know but some of this is for the bushcraft usa classes and some is just cause i've not been out in a while (Since we took Jake and Shannon camping thinking about it)

whatever you all get upto hope you all have a good weekend


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
SSounds like you'll be having a fun packed weekend Sam

Sadly for myself I'm working today and dogsitting this weekend :(

Still I'm off for a bimble tomorrow :)


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Sam , you betcha !! Myself, Paul Webster, Savagebushcraft,Skate,Badger and Foxy. Are starting out at Brentmoor House on Sunday at noon until Weds morning , bit of a last minute thing !!

Things we have planned .
Find memorial stone , hidden in the undergrowth.
Jump in to the river Avon and maybe Dam Brrrr !! we will see.
Find an elusive potato cave /adit at Huntingdon Warren.
Maybe walk out to Redlake.
Possibly set up more than once
Giggle at the swingers having to ground dwell.
Drink some beer and a little brandy.
Try and do some of the things on your list !
Get home safely and bring photographic/ video evidence of said excursion .

Atb Ivan...


May 21, 2005
Whereever I lay my Hat
yep,off to a meet up with some of the Sussex group,taking along a 2 14 year olds and a 12 year old,may try a hangi and put them in it,lol.
Looks like we are gonna get nice weather.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Well !! not long been back , that was some few days , in the end it was myself Savagebushcraft, Paul Webster and Skate , and i learned some stuff !! a lot of my bushcrafting and wildcamping recently has been on my own site , which had made me a bit lazy , regards kit attention etc , you know if i had forgot something just a short walk back to the house or a wander to the shed to get chairs, heavy cooking pots , grills etc , firewood , kindling no problem .
Anyway new site , carry everything i need ,first thing i realised that my pack was much heavier than everyone elses !!
So we had to cross the river Avon to reach our site, no problem negotiating a few slippery granite boulders with care , a lovely site level . an abundance of space , natural light , fresh running water and firewood, got set up , fire going beatifully great food and everyone was in excellent spirits , shot a little video took a few pics , what a start to our trip .
Until 10.00pm when the heavens opened the wind direction changed , and we all had to retreat to our various forms of shelter , still we got through the night , but in the morning , everything was sodden the fire was completely out , and we realised the river had swollen to a dangerous level .
After breakfast ( cooked by stove ) we made the decision to pack up and go back to a spot i have in the top part of the wood .
It was still raining heavily and the river level was continuing to rise , we knew if we stayed too much longer would would be in trouble .
We all got absolutely soaked recrossing the river , and even lost a couple of bits of kit , still although very wet , we were all safe and uninjured.
All steaming well, we jumped in the car and back up to my place , set up again very wet and a bit dejected, still we managed to get a roaring fire going , cracked open the brandy and had another hearty meal , and between us sharing dry socks , jumpers and other bits our mood got upbeat again.

Unfortunately the weather did not abate until this morning , typical time to go home . but i know it did not dampen our enthusiasm, we all had a great few days .
Which just goes to proove that , a trip with great friends , will allways be treasured , despite the rain !!

Video and photos to follw , when Adam gets dry and sorted .

Ps Adam brought his ghost meter thingy with him , and as the spot is supposed to be haunted , we got some very strong and wierd readings, that sort of thing does not bother me of course , but did go to bed with a big knife !!

Paul Webster

Full Member
Jan 29, 2011
Ivan, you said it much more eloquently than I could of. It was a great few days and although the rain did its best to dampen our spirits, I think we won in the end. As usual, we ate like kings and had loads of laughs. Can't wait to see some of the pics and the videos.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
A little warning , to those few waiting with bated breath, Adam (Spielberg ) Savage , did say it takes hours to edit and upload, and unfortunately the main camera man ( me ) is not very good also there is half an hour of footage of me walking around with the record button pressed, filming the ground !and finally the rain was so heavy for a lot of the time , trying to get shots between the downpours, and keeping Adams camera dry was tricky , still poor film of these events is better than none ! I for one am looking forward to the impending mess !!


Apr 13, 2010
East Devon
It was fun! it can't always be sunny. Sorry about flinging your kit in the river Ivan, decided it was better than flinging myself in :lmao: These trips always provide a great memorable time whatever is thrown at us and the "man food" was awesome. Looking forward to the next one.
Well hello there guys. You'll be pleased to know, that the video is uploading to youtube as we speak. It should take no more than an hour now, so will post it up here, ASAP. The few good stills we got, are thrown onto the video.

It was excellent to get out with the lads again (well, some of the lads), and exchanging information about kit, as well as sharing accommodation and under garments :eek:. Since a brief chat with Skate, I have recently made a visit to Wilko's. to purchase a folding trivet and veg steamer :). Also had some great conversation with Mr Webster on the drive down and back, as Paul was kind enough to drive my kit and me from his place, to Dartmoor. With Ivan....I don't really need to say anything there...everyone knows how good it is to have the old...I mean, young...have the young man around at a meet. :p


Jul 4, 2011
Lancashire (previously Dartmoor)

Well done to Ivan BSC for the camera work and narrative and Adam 'Spielberg' Savage for the superb editing (Fiver says you'll show me what's on the cutting room floor mate!)

In conclusion, having watched the vid: I hate you guys!! :D

Jealous! Who me??

Hope we can do something together before Chrimbo.


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Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Thanks Adam , for making a silk purse out of a sows ear !! sorry to those of you that were expecting a decent account of our trip , all my fault ! but at least you get an idea of what it was like, would love to blame it all on the horrible weather , but old fartiness and not being tech is the real reason !

Anyway we had a great time , and has not dampened our desire to do it all again soon ! with a better record of our exploits .

Thanks guys good fun.


Paul Webster

Full Member
Jan 29, 2011
Awesome video Adam, great job of editing that together. Also, hats off to Ivan, love your commentary. From the video the weather doesn't look too bad but it really was foul. Great times buhys, great times!


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Not to worry, i have found a lid that fits perfectly, just a plate and anything else you boys threw in the river !!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.