Robson Valley, Iron, horses, firearms.
I'm not saying that what we Europeans did was beneficial, I'm a known critic of what we've done in the name of Church & State, & continue to be annoyed by missionaries & modern day empire building and I think Boatman was saying the same.
There were empires, trading, disease & killings on some fairly large scales before the Europeans arrived, just so happened they brought diseases that the incumbent tenants had no resistance too and were more efficient at the empire/slaughter deal.
Yes its very sad what was done, and neither side came out with clean hands, just as with sides getting pros&cons in the whole deal. Personally I'm more worried what we're still up to, but then that doesn't always make me popular with my fellow Scots who bang on about repression and hold up a foreign fop who had more native Scots fighting against him than for him as some kind of hero. All to easy to put a polish on one while tarnishing another when cherry picking from history.
Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.