Amazing Moot Visit!


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I can't go to the Moot because the owners of the ground don't allow dogs there, and where I go Molly goes! But I've agreed to go down on Sunday to meet Sonni (Angst); we've had a great deal of contact here and by 'phone and I'm looking forward to meeting him and his family at last. :) I'm also intrigued to put a few faces to the names I've got to know here on the forum.

My brother will have Molly for the day and as I'm little more than an hour's drive from Bridgend I'll have a few hours to wander and say hello to a few folk. I'm really looking forward to it
but I've just checked out the weather and it seems the whole of South Wales is in for another heavy soaking, much the same as today, so I guess I'll see the collective BCUK shelter building skills on display alongside the ingenuity of keeping courses and displays going, not to mention that required of parents to keep kids happy and entertained without having a camp that's knee deep in mud!

I'm really looking forward to it, and I'll be sure to report back on what I find when I get there......................
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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I hope you have a good day out Mac :D
As sites go, it's pretty much as good as it can be for sodden wet weather. It's on sand dunes that have been planted with a variety of trees to see what would take and grow. The understorey has grown up too with a wide range of native plants. At least it drains, right now I have two inches of water on my paths in the back garden :rolleyes: and I'm not joking about newts under every plant pot.

We'll hope the weather gods are kind though :)



A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Thanks, Mary, I'm sure it'll be great meeting a few folk..............We're pretty sodden here, we've had a good deal of heavy rain today and there's no sign of it letting up until later; I can't go on the garden at all without a real muckle, but I'm going to put all the normal stuff in abeyance until Monday and treat the weekend as a little break :)


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Well now, where to begin with this, I wonder?

I went down to the moot on Sunday, as per the above, and I met so many people and was able to put faces to names of many fellow members who have become good friends on this forum; far too many to name here but thanks to all of you for a great welcome, hospitality and much mirth and humour of a very high standard indeed :) I didn't see a grumpy face in the eight or so hours I was there, despite the constant rain......I don't think anybody even noticed it. Loads of demos, classes for the kids and talks by those with knowledge to pass on, I really wished I could just stay to the end and I'm not really one for large gatherings............

My hosts for the day were Sonni (Angst) and Angela and their two lovely boys Oliver and his baby brother with the huge and instant smile. They looked after me really well and along with the other people in and around their camp made me very welcome indeed. Sonni in particular spent the whole day finding people and introducing me, we walked the length and breadth of the site several times and had a great time chatting and drinking the many brews that appeared whenever we stopped for more than two minutes.

Early in the day, Sonni gave a really informative talk about, and demonstration of, a few of his now very large herd of Singer 201 k machines. He was using two hand-cranked models to show how electricity is not a requirement, and refered quite often to a third very special machine that he had with him and said he'd get it out at the end of his talk as a bit of a treat for everybody. I stayed "out front", and joined in on a couple of occasions when asked and I answered a good few questions from people so as not to interrupt the flow of Sonni's talk; there were a good few people there and it was clear that many had wanted and needed to hear this
in order to feel more confident in either bringing an old machine back into service or going to find a used classic, armed with an adequate knowledge of the do's and dont's; He gave a very good talk and people really did
find it very useful - and being Sonni he made it funny and accessible, too.

When he got the special machine out, it turned out to be a lovely potted motor model that he's completely renovated and it looked so nice it drew a good few gasps and oohs and aahs from the people there. He then completely stunned me by publicly thanking me for helping him to get going with all this, and in front of all those people he gifted me this wonderful thing as a thankyou!!!

I was absolutely gobsmacked by this generosity, and spent the rest of the day pinching myself to make sure I was awake! All in all, a really wonderful day and one I'm not likely to ever forget........Thanks to you all who made it so, and who are too numerous to mention :)


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
It certainly is a lovely gift.................I assure you the pleasure of meeting was mutual, Colin :)

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Sonni is an amazing guy - the generous fool gave me a set of accessory feet for my machine just because I mentioned I once had a set like it - but which was stolen.
He is never going to be rich ... in monetary terms!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
Well now, where to begin with this, I wonder?

I went down to the moot on Sunday, as per the above, and I met so many people and was able to put faces to names of many fellow members who have become good friends on this forum; far too many to name here but thanks to all of you for a great welcome, hospitality and much mirth and humour of a very high standard indeed :) I didn't see a grumpy face in the eight or so hours I was there, despite the constant rain......I don't think anybody even noticed it. Loads of demos, classes for the kids and talks by those with knowledge to pass on, I really wished I could just stay to the end and I'm not really one for large gatherings............

My hosts for the day were Sonni (Angst) and Angela and their two lovely boys Oliver and his baby brother with the huge and instant smile. They looked after me really well and along with the other people in and around their camp made me very welcome indeed. Sonni in particular spent the whole day finding people and introducing me, we walked the length and breadth of the site several times and had a great time chatting and drinking the many brews that appeared whenever we stopped for more than two minutes.

Early in the day, Sonni gave a really informative talk about, and demonstration of, a few of his now very large herd of Singer 201 k machines. He was using two hand-cranked models to show how electricity is not a requirement, and refered quite often to a third very special machine that he had with him and said he'd get it out at the end of his talk as a bit of a treat for everybody. I stayed "out front", and joined in on a couple of occasions when asked and I answered a good few questions from people so as not to interrupt the flow of Sonni's talk; there were a good few people there and it was clear that many had wanted and needed to hear this
in order to feel more confident in either bringing an old machine back into service or going to find a used classic, armed with an adequate knowledge of the do's and dont's; He gave a very good talk and people really did
find it very useful - and being Sonni he made it funny and accessible, too.

When he got the special machine out, it turned out to be a lovely potted motor model that he's completely renovated and it looked so nice it drew a good few gasps and oohs and aahs from the people there. He then completely stunned me by publicly thanking me for helping him to get going with all this, and in front of all those people he gifted me this wonderful thing as a thankyou!!!

I was absolutely gobsmacked by this generosity, and spent the rest of the day pinching myself to make sure I was awake! All in all, a really wonderful day and one I'm not likely to ever forget........Thanks to you all who made it so, and who are too numerous to mention :)

You are are a beautiful and giving person and what you receive is what you deserve


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.