I spotted what I thought was an army arctic sleeping bag at my local boot sale. The seller explained that it was not an army bag but was her husbands Ajungilak bag used 20 odd years ago when he did mountain climbing. She also described it as a down bag (which it wasn't) so I don't think anything she said was necessarily reliable. As she asked what seemed like a fair price for it I took a chance and bought it. Now that I have it at home I have noticed two things. It is clearly nearer to 30 years old than 20 and it packs down into a remarkably small size which makes me wonder if it could be used as even a three season bag never mind four season. The filling is Dacron 88 and is pretty lofty once allowed to plump up a bit. Condition wise the bag is almost perfect. Does anyone know much about this bag or have any advice to offer?