8 of the Rough Close Meeters social group had the pleasure of spending the weekend with Paul Kirtley. Paul joined us late on the Friday night after a terrible journey that took 4 1/2hrs instead of the expected 2 1/2hrs but we soon refreshed him with a fresh baked pizza and a bottle of Crabbies
The next morning we set off with Paul for a walk round Rough Close. Paul soon started pointing out things like the fact that we had Norwegian Maple on site but everyone assumed it was plain old sycamore. It was amazing the things we took for granted or didn't realise were there so it was great having a fresh pair of eyes
Whilst we were out he demonstrated the art of making withies
We then carried on looking at various plants and trees
Then we came upon an Elder laden berries and he told us about making a cordial with them so of course we had to try
The cordial turned out pretty good but did need sweetening
The afternoon was then spent making salmon trolling hooks used by Native Americans on the northwest coast of America
Gathering the roots needed for the lashings
We then carved the components and split the roots
The finished products
After the craft session Paul gave a master class in carving feather sticks
We then broke for dinner Roast leg of lamb with veg very kindly cooked by MartinK9 ably assisted by Decorum
This was followed by Peach Cobbler which you can read about here. It was truly delicious.
Thank you very much for the cooking Martin, the food was fantastic
Paul then spent the evening doing a show and tell about his Arctic kit which was fascinating and gave us a good understanding in the needs of multi layers and how they should be used
We then spent the evening chatting round the fire and just enjoying each others company
The next morning we set off with Paul for a walk round Rough Close. Paul soon started pointing out things like the fact that we had Norwegian Maple on site but everyone assumed it was plain old sycamore. It was amazing the things we took for granted or didn't realise were there so it was great having a fresh pair of eyes
Whilst we were out he demonstrated the art of making withies
We then carried on looking at various plants and trees
Then we came upon an Elder laden berries and he told us about making a cordial with them so of course we had to try
The cordial turned out pretty good but did need sweetening
The afternoon was then spent making salmon trolling hooks used by Native Americans on the northwest coast of America
Gathering the roots needed for the lashings
We then carved the components and split the roots
The finished products
After the craft session Paul gave a master class in carving feather sticks
We then broke for dinner Roast leg of lamb with veg very kindly cooked by MartinK9 ably assisted by Decorum
This was followed by Peach Cobbler which you can read about here. It was truly delicious.
Thank you very much for the cooking Martin, the food was fantastic
Paul then spent the evening doing a show and tell about his Arctic kit which was fascinating and gave us a good understanding in the needs of multi layers and how they should be used
We then spent the evening chatting round the fire and just enjoying each others company