A wee wander this morning


Dec 15, 2005
Went out with my mate and his dogs today for a bit of a loop round the village where I grew up. I forgot to take my camera so no pics sorry.
Had a useful day though, found half a dozen King Alfreds only five minutes into the walk, we then tapped a birch tree and left it to collect while we circled round. The dogs then chased a few rabbits about in the quarry while we sat down to get the kelly kettle on.
We heard some squaling from the quarry face and think we spotted a nesting pair of Peregrine Falcons. I had a look through my scope and I`d say they stood about 16" high, dark grey plummage with a white and grey chest with a vivid yellowy orange beak. Both perched on a grassy ledge with droppings below, couldn`t see if there were any young in there though.
One the way back round to the start we spotted a load of chicken in the woods on a dead yew tree, all of them were out of reach but I think I`ll be going back soon :)
We picked up the birch sap, about 500ml and headed back to his for bacon sarnies.

A good morning out and I'll be taking the camera next time.


Aug 19, 2007
Bradford, UK
I too had a pleasant morning out in Yorkshire.

Down to the local woodland with a few bits of kit in the pack. The sun was shining through the trees and off the paths it was quiet. Early on I heard but couldn't see a woodpecker doing what they're famous for.

In a recently planted area I spent a little time following rabbit trails and wondering where I would put snares, not that I had any with me. Further round the woods I got out my tarp and folding stool and sat for a spot of spoon making. Unfortunately I'd left my sharpening stone behind so I was too blunt too quickly.

I'd taken the tarp, just for practice's sake, good job too, could I remember how to tie the guy lines? Could I 'Eck as like!

After some faffing I got a working knot but checking with Mears when I got back home I found I was tying it all Frack to bunt. Oh well, thats what practice is for!

I'm still on the look out for crampballs in that wood though...



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