A couple of months ago I became a Great Grandfather, and for the first time last weekend my Granddaughter asked if I would baby sit, just for 4 hours one Sunday evening. Ha! easy, no problem thinks I...
Arriving at my Granddaughter's address I am given a list of instructions and shown where the 'Ready for action' baby kit is...Milk in bottle, Nappies, baby wipes, jug to put hot water in to sink bottle, to warm it up..Yeah Yeah, at nearly 75 I still remember the drill...at least I think I do..
He's fast asleep..ah! Little Angel...'Bye Granddad...
Five minutes at most and he wakes up, and starts to yell. My instant thoughts are, this lad has a future in the world of Opera or possibly as a Drill Sergeant or once he can stand up I'll buy him a Hand Bell and he will wipe out the opposition in a contest as Town Crier
Consult instructions..yelling = Hungry or wind or Nappy change..I'll go with the hungry bit first. Warm bottle in jug of hot water and plug him in..silence, except for a muted glug glug sound.
How does he guzzle so much milk so quickly?..Starts yelling again, quick consult instructions! Right, baby on shoulder, walk round living room patting his back...
Luckily the milk was still warm when he emptied it inside the collar of my shirt, at least it didn't go on the carpet.
Yelling again, resembles Act 2 of La Traviata ..Of course he's empty, his last lot is inside my shirt. ...more milk required. Resume walkies and back patting but with a towel on my shoulder this time...
The dreaded Nappy change. They are not as I remembered, all fluffy and secured with a big pin. Now they are sealed like a combat wound dressing and there are no instructions..which is the front and what are these little tabs on the sides?
Pull tabs thinking they are like plasters with a pull off cover over the adhesive..whoops! pulled the tabs completely off..Can't secure Nappy properly, so on with his baby suit quick...Hope it keeps things together.
Walking round and round living room bouncing baby, after some time baby weight has multiplied by at least 2 stone I feel and I'm running out of half remembered Nursery Rhymes.
" Look, who's that in the mirror?" Instant yelling..won't try that trick again.
Finally after a thousand bounces and several hundred miles of carpet trekking he goes to sleep and I gently lay him down on the settee...and finally I can sit down..knackered.
Within seconds door opens, in comes Granddaughter..." Ah! Look he's a sleep...Granddad you look really tired...
Arriving at my Granddaughter's address I am given a list of instructions and shown where the 'Ready for action' baby kit is...Milk in bottle, Nappies, baby wipes, jug to put hot water in to sink bottle, to warm it up..Yeah Yeah, at nearly 75 I still remember the drill...at least I think I do..

He's fast asleep..ah! Little Angel...'Bye Granddad...
Five minutes at most and he wakes up, and starts to yell. My instant thoughts are, this lad has a future in the world of Opera or possibly as a Drill Sergeant or once he can stand up I'll buy him a Hand Bell and he will wipe out the opposition in a contest as Town Crier
Consult instructions..yelling = Hungry or wind or Nappy change..I'll go with the hungry bit first. Warm bottle in jug of hot water and plug him in..silence, except for a muted glug glug sound.
How does he guzzle so much milk so quickly?..Starts yelling again, quick consult instructions! Right, baby on shoulder, walk round living room patting his back...
Luckily the milk was still warm when he emptied it inside the collar of my shirt, at least it didn't go on the carpet.
Yelling again, resembles Act 2 of La Traviata ..Of course he's empty, his last lot is inside my shirt. ...more milk required. Resume walkies and back patting but with a towel on my shoulder this time...

The dreaded Nappy change. They are not as I remembered, all fluffy and secured with a big pin. Now they are sealed like a combat wound dressing and there are no instructions..which is the front and what are these little tabs on the sides?
Pull tabs thinking they are like plasters with a pull off cover over the adhesive..whoops! pulled the tabs completely off..Can't secure Nappy properly, so on with his baby suit quick...Hope it keeps things together.
Walking round and round living room bouncing baby, after some time baby weight has multiplied by at least 2 stone I feel and I'm running out of half remembered Nursery Rhymes.
" Look, who's that in the mirror?" Instant yelling..won't try that trick again.
Finally after a thousand bounces and several hundred miles of carpet trekking he goes to sleep and I gently lay him down on the settee...and finally I can sit down..knackered.
Within seconds door opens, in comes Granddaughter..." Ah! Look he's a sleep...Granddad you look really tired...