Last time I bought a new bike was in 1990 !!
Currently I have a 2001 Honda Africa Twin which I ride and go everywhere on. There is a 1999 Kawasaki ZX7R in the garage which has been laid up ever since I got the AT and I still intend to put the ZX14 front end and ZX10R swingarm on that and take it around Cadwell Park. Lastly there is a 2005 Chinese Chituma Hongdu GY200 pining away behind the ZX7R. The ignition barrel fell to bits and I only bought it to practice wheelies on as I wasn't going to risk decking the ZX7R.
All are my projects in some way. The AT is tweaks to make it more usable on tours and rallies so fitting extra lights, storage solutions and comfort stuff. The ZX7R will be for track excursions. And if I sort the GY200 out it will be for general arsing around in the dirt.
My other hobby is home engineering (lathe, mill, shaper) as well as bushcrafting. Enough with these three pursuits to keep me happy 'til I pop my clogs!