The allotment I got a year ago hadn't been cultivated for three years. Most of the ground had been covered with carpets so long that couch grass was growing on top. Well anyway every time I turn over new soil the dormant weed seeds germinate and coat the ground with new growth. That is not my problem, my problem is that I look at the weeds and say "ooh I can eat that!!!". The allotment looks over run to an outsider.
Take this this stuff for example, it has the rather unappetising name of nipplewort. The young seedlings taste like lettuce and the larger plants become bitter with age, but are cookable.
It is by far my most successful plant, I collect a carrier bag of the stuff every time I go, and I am get rather sick of eating it to tell the truth.
I also have plenty of Orache that I am waiting for it become big enough to eat. The main nettle patch is now past its best but I am in two minds about letting the seedlings in the beds get a little bigger before harvesting. They keep stinging me when I harvest the nipplewort so I might just hook them out. The broadleaf dock and the cleavers are about the only plants that get treated like weeds, as they aren't very nice to eat. Virtually every other plant is harvested in some way. I have even added some new wild plants, the burdock I seeded in october are now small plants, they should be ready to harvest next winter. I have sorrel that is setting seed and angelica, but the black salsify is yet to make an appearance.
I look at the other established allotments and see neat square raised beds, concrete paths, with not a single weed between the neat rows of predictable plants all in their place. There is one other allotment that sort of practice permaculture, so I am not the only heretic. I know the chairwoman has passed comment that they don't work it properly, so I am sure she pass comment when she sees my wild plants, self seeding leeks, and spuds that are packed in with mustard. Why fight nature when it tastes so nice.
Take this this stuff for example, it has the rather unappetising name of nipplewort. The young seedlings taste like lettuce and the larger plants become bitter with age, but are cookable.
It is by far my most successful plant, I collect a carrier bag of the stuff every time I go, and I am get rather sick of eating it to tell the truth.
I also have plenty of Orache that I am waiting for it become big enough to eat. The main nettle patch is now past its best but I am in two minds about letting the seedlings in the beds get a little bigger before harvesting. They keep stinging me when I harvest the nipplewort so I might just hook them out. The broadleaf dock and the cleavers are about the only plants that get treated like weeds, as they aren't very nice to eat. Virtually every other plant is harvested in some way. I have even added some new wild plants, the burdock I seeded in october are now small plants, they should be ready to harvest next winter. I have sorrel that is setting seed and angelica, but the black salsify is yet to make an appearance.
I look at the other established allotments and see neat square raised beds, concrete paths, with not a single weed between the neat rows of predictable plants all in their place. There is one other allotment that sort of practice permaculture, so I am not the only heretic. I know the chairwoman has passed comment that they don't work it properly, so I am sure she pass comment when she sees my wild plants, self seeding leeks, and spuds that are packed in with mustard. Why fight nature when it tastes so nice.