A day spent foraging


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Well, that's how it turned out anyway. It started as a simple 'take the dog for a run', and I decided to head for the uplands. Main objective was to try a few experimental pitches with a big tarp I bought from Dave53. Walking along I spent ages wondering what the odd-looking pink flower that was so abundant was, until I remembered that I had my plants book with me. It turned out to be Wild Thyme, and there was loads of it. So I took some. In Food For Free there is a note saying that the Swedes like to flavour aquavit with it. Might try that with some vodka.

Then I spootted some reindeer moss. Thought it would be good as a tinder. Grabbed a bit, and spotted a black berry. Crowberry. Then realised that there were loads of them around, so I ended up with a cupfull, just as a tester. Ate a few raw, and there wasn't much flavour, little bit gritty, but not unpleasant. Anyone got any recipe suggestions?

Getting into the theme, I then found some Bilberry (locally known as wimberry). Picked a handful and ate them on the spot. Took a few bits of Heath Bedstraw too, because they looked interesting. Got to look them up and see if they can be used for anything.

Found some dried horse manure, in nice discrete chunks. Thought I'd try that in the Bushbuddy as a fuel. Then found some coal chunks, which is hardly surprising given that the whole hillside is made of old mine spoil. Took a few bits. Might work in the Bushbuddy too.

This was followed by a big hank of horse hair that was lying in the path. Dunno what I'll do with that yet.

At this point I decided to actually start foraging properly. Went to a Woodland Trust site that I know, and picked (and ate) some cherries. Then up to local woodland, foraged a bit of thick black pipe, had a pleasant walk, saw lots of wood sorrel, but didn't take any. A few fungi but nothing worth taking. Found a few wild strawberries, they didn't last long. Found a bicycle bell in working order too, so that went in the pocket. Could have gathered lots of pine resin, as there was lots of deer sign around and they had been gnawing tree bark, but I had nothing to collect it in.

Went home, and found I was in trouble with my mother as I was supposed to be collecting her to take her to some do or other, only my wife had forgotten to pass on the message. Should have stayed in the woods.

jonnie drake

Nov 20, 2009
west yorkshire
nice one mike sounds like you should have stayed in the woods! I have heard that back in the day horse hair would be used by fly fisherman, now if you could get your self a bit of pine resin, a few dog rose thorns and some scavenged feathers coupled with a nice bit of hazel you may be on to a winner there!

I have the same problem as you when i'm out foraging- I run out of things to put stuff in!


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