2021 Summer BushMoot - 26 July - 7 August 2021

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Unless you are in a bubble with that person, or have had close sustained contact then there is no reason to worry unduly - the actual journey by public transport will be more of a risk than an outdoor gathering. Just take the same precautions we have been taking for the last few months while at the moot.
Actualy that isn't my worry. I shall be very much keeping to myself, but I'm thinking about if someone gets sick after they arrive, maybe not knowingly having picked it up say a few days before.
What is the plan for someone getting sick after they arrive. Do we all go into quarrentine as we may have been in close contact without knowing.
It's a small chance I know, but it is possible.
If that was the case...how do I get home?

Bear in mind I'm still being very cautious , I'm very keen to come but also very nervous. Having been isolated for more than a year, and only in the past few weeks getting out and about localy.
I need to have a plan.
Do you mean ‘quarrentine’ at the bushmoot or isolation and needing to go home to do so? Someone travelling back to the south May be able to give you a lift? I don’t think any organisers of events has to make contingency plans for how people will get home from an event of it has to close etc.
I suppose, what I'm asking is, if someone goes down with covid at the Moot, are you intending to keep going with covid possibly spreading or close it down.?
The point for me being, I need to be picked up from the rail station my home end, and those that can do it are themselves very vunerable and possibly not willing to have someone that could have been in contact with an infected person, to have me at close quarters in a car for an hour or so.
I need to make a contingency plan for this. Do I rely on a vunerable friend, or do I have to save up an extra £90 in case I have to taxi home the last bit.?
I live a long way out from main roads, and it would be a big ask for someone from the moot to take me and my gear home.
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I can’t really answer that. Maybe wait a few weeks and see what the Welsh Assembly decide with regards to the rules in Wales. Here in England it’s all going to go ‘28 days later’….

If someone on a campsite tested positive then I have not heard of a whole camping site closing down. Only those who have had close contact and then test positive with that person would have to isolate. You could get some lateral flow tests and if you had to get picked up check of it was negative.
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I appreciate you have all worked dam hard to put this on and I'm sure you have most bases covered, but I'm having to think very hard.
I havnt socialised outside a very small bubble since March 2020. It's a huge step for me.
If numbers were still going down instead of up, I'd feel happier.
Will wait and see nearer the time.
Tengu, thanks, but I'm not sure you'd want to do several hundred miles to take me home and go back to the moot if I wanted/needed to bail.
I realy want to come, and untill the other show was cancelled I felt fine about it.
I'll give myself a good talking to, ! ;)
I understand that you need to be cautious so there's no problem with asking the questions, they're all valid. These are general comments that cover all people at the Moot.

Ultimately we're running the event with minimum activities so that we can maintain social distancing, and each individual needs to be responsible for making sure that happens for the protection of themselves and others.

There are obviously areas that have more chance of contact such as toilets, shower block and washing up area. These will be cleaned regularly and obviously anyone using these facilities should be conscious of washing their hands, wearing masks etc. If the Showers are in use people wait outside rather than inside etc.

The main building will have limited access to avoid the crowds that we often have in there. We'll endeavour to have shelters up around the main areas for rain cover but social distancing will still need to be adhered to unless others are in your bubble

When it comes to policy Wales will be issuing new guidelines next week on the 15th July which in spite of raising cases will likely result in an easing of rules as long as the hospitalisation rates don't climb steeply.

The policy we have is a general standard and the onus is on the individual/bubble to arrange for any transport home, contacting the NHS etc. We can't take on responsibility for this.

If you have symptoms of Covid while at the BushMoot

If you experience any symptoms of coronavirus during your stay - These include a new, continuous cough, high temperature, or loss, or change in your normal sense of taste and smell - please leave the campsite and make your way home as soon as you can, you need to ensure you minimise any contact with others.

Please leave a message with a member of the BushMoot team so that we aware of your early departure.

Once you have arrived home, you should contact the NHS to arrange a test and continue to follow government guidance on self-isolation and social distancing.

It's worth noting that your contact information may be shared with NHS Test and Trace if this situation arises and they request it.
Thank you Tony. That's what I needed to know.
I'm sure that everyone will be aware that some people at the Moot will still be vunerable, especially those who may not have had the second vaccination, and take appropriate care.
Being outside, minimises , but does not completely negate the possibility of infection.
My main worry is how I get home if I need to leave, and knowing if I have been in contact with someone who is infectious. I know Tengu says she would take me home, but its a big ask if I were to be a suspected case. I only plan to stay a week, which means as she is staying longer I have to come home by train. Otherwise she would have to leave too.
The phone reception as you say is poor, and mine doesn't work there, so people may not get pinged.
I'm so keen to come, but being in a very tightly controlled bubble for so long due to my health conditions has made me extremely nervous, and I'm not very happy about the fact that cases are expected to be rising alarmingly after restrictions are lifted.
I'm sorry if that seems a bit over cautious to some. But its how I feel and a big and serious decision for me. I'm sure you can appreciate that.
I will see how I feel nearer the time.
I do want my freedom and life back as much as anyone else!
@Woody girl what week are you staying? I’m leaving Saturday 31st so if you are really stuck I can divert via Exmoor area on way home.
Thank you, that's an amazing offer, as its many miles out of your way.
I must admit I'm very worried about using public transport to get home. Tengu is bringing me, but I was planning to stay only a week (Mon to mon) she is staying on, so I would have to travel home by train and bus or taxi. Its a very long journey, despite the distance. Taking about 5/6 hours!
Sorry to be such a wimp on this whole thing, but there are many considerations besides health to consider which I won't discuss here.
That would make a huge difference to comming or not.
Will ponder a bit more, and pm you nearer the time as to what's what.
Thank you.
Thank you, that's an amazing offer, as its many miles out of your way.
I must admit I'm very worried about using public transport to get home. Tengu is bringing me, but I was planning to stay only a week (Mon to mon) she is staying on, so I would have to travel home by train and bus or taxi. Its a very long journey, despite the distance. Taking about 5/6 hours!
Sorry to be such a wimp on this whole thing, but there are many considerations besides health to consider which I won't discuss here.
That would make a huge difference to comming or not.
Will ponder a bit more, and pm you nearer the time as to what's what.
Thank you.
It’s a funny old year. If you don’t feel comfortable then maybe see if the winter moot suits you better. If nothing else I can get you onto the English rail network so you have a reduced journey time!
Great info on protocol, thanks. This is tough all round.
We're camping next week, an annual and usually communal camp, and the efforts people are going to is uplifting. There, everyone who is comfortable doing so, is testing before camp, on arrival, and before leaving. I think an NHS kit per person covers it. They also have a band system, so if someone really not up for close contact, there's a red wrist band visual, so stay a little further away and don't be offended if they walk right past.

If there's no bar or pizza oven at the NC, is it just the fire pit? How will Chef possibly cope? We may be able to fit the Ooni in (trialling new car packing system next week) and help alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
I understand that you need to be cautious so there's no problem with asking the questions, they're all valid. These are general comments that cover all people at the Moot.

If you have symptoms of Covid while at the BushMoot

If you experience any symptoms of coronavirus during your stay - These include a new, continuous cough, high temperature, or loss, or change in your normal sense of taste and smell -
There are some indications that the symptoms of Delta are changing - the most frequently reported indications are now more likely to be - Headache, runny nose, sore throat and sneezing. Loss of smell/taste and a new persistent cough - are becoming less common.
Sorry to be flippant but I think I have the perfect solution.

I do understand and sympathise, I’ve isolated myself since March 2020 too. Dark humour.

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Sorry to be flippant but I think I have the perfect solution.

I do understand and sympathise, I’ve isolated myself since March 2020 too. Dark humour.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Exactly what we needed
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I think I'm right in saying that everyone can order packs of lateral flow tests so I would encourage people to do so, test before you come, bring them with you and test while you're camping and before you leave and when you get home.

There's more info to be found here including the link to start the order process...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.