2021 Summer BushMoot - 26 July - 7 August 2021

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
You can get them from the pharmacy also.

I didn't know that. Have just been and got one from my chemists. It's free for the asking.
But it will only tell me I'm probably OK, or not.
Helpful, but not preventative.
I'm still preparing to come, but still incredibly nervous at the thought with cases expected to rise dramatically after July 19.
I think I'm right in saying that everyone can order packs of lateral flow tests so I would encourage people to do so, test before you come, bring them with you and test while you're camping and before you leave and when you get home.

There's more info to be found here including the link to start the order process...

I’ll have had a PCR test a couple of days before I arrive. I’ll get a test when I get home from the moor though.

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After a really rocky month, I've started packing for the Moot. I really need a break after having the year from hell.


I may be a little late and I've no idea where I will be pitched this time but one thing I really enjoyed from the last time I was there, was the impromptu "Craft Jam" that we had going on in our camp.

Not a workshop as such but just a gathering of people around the camp fire, all working on projects of their own. A chance to just chat and share skills in a relaxed and informal way.

It would be nice to host something like that again this year so keep an eye on the notice board or just look out for the Raven banner flying over my pitch and we'll see what we can do.
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After a really rocky month, I've started packing for the Moot. I really need a break after having the year from hell.

I may be a little late and I've no idea where I will be pitched this time but one thing I really enjoyed from the last time I was there was the inpromptu "Craft Jam" that we had going on in our camp.

Not a workshop as such but just a gathering of people around the camp fire all working on projects of their own. A chance to just chat and share skills in a relaxed and informal way.

It would be nice to host something like that again this year so keep an eye on the notice board or just look out for the Raven banner flying over my pitch and we'll see what we can do.
Gary and I are planning on sharing a camp so you can also look out for the Lone Star flag
There will be a combination of supplied and buy, there is no bringing firewood to site, that's strictly a no no now. All wood on site has to be bought off the estate, so I'll sort out prices for this year, over the last few year people have shared ton bags. We'll get some for the main fire and any workshops that we do. I'll figure out the rest of it and make it known.
Tony, I know I've ordered a ton bag of logs but will there still be the option to have a round or two a day of firewood from the main pile as before?
I'm looking forward to seeing folk at the moot. I have missed our annual Bushcraft gathering and skills sharing.

Im hoping I will be mobile enough to attend after surgery this week.

The past year has been challenging for many of us. A return to some normality will be a good thing.
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I'm looking forward to seeing folk at the moot. I have missed our annual Bushcraft gathering and skills sharing.

Im hoping I will be mobile enough to attend after surgery this week.

The past year has been challenging for many of us. A return to some normality will be a good thing.
Good luck with the surgery Wayne, I hope it goes well for you
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Being a first time attendee, just to know for planning, are there any food vendors on site or is it 100% cook your own?
Being a first time attendee, just to know for planning, are there any food vendors on site or is it 100% cook your own?

Shelly usually does a taco night. There is the group meal. Forestknights will be doing some cooking demonstrations and workshops.

Although this is subject to covid so this year maybe different. Aim to be reasonable self sufficient. The supermarkets are only a few miles from the campsite so resupply isn't an issue.

im sure Tony will along to give more clarity about whats happening with group food etc.

Wales has been more draconian than England throughout the pandemic so he will have the latest guidenace etc.
Cook your own; there is a Tescos on the Bridgend road, and Asda further into town, also a Cafe by the Pottery on the road in, and a mcdonalds and kfc near Tescos.

The Chinese near Bridgend railway station is good.

I think Ton Farm by the Estate gate will be selling eggs and a few home grown things if its anything like other years.
After a really rocky month, I've started packing for the Moot. I really need a break after having the year from hell.


I may be a little late and I've no idea where I will be pitched this time but one thing I really enjoyed from the last time I was there, was the impromptu "Craft Jam" that we had going on in our camp.

Not a workshop as such but just a gathering of people around the camp fire, all working on projects of their own. A chance to just chat and share skills in a relaxed and informal way.

It would be nice to host something like that again this year so keep an eye on the notice board or just look out for the Raven banner flying over my pitch and we'll see what we can do.
That's cool Gary and along the lines of how I see this years Moot running, well spaced groups doing crafty stuff :D with a few workshops thrown in.
Tony, I know I've ordered a ton bag of logs but will there still be the option to have a round or two a day of firewood from the main pile as before?
We'll do our best but we're not sure how things are going to work with firewood in the future. The estate don't really want us chainsawing etc. It's a bit of see how it goes this year as we're the only group that will be having fires as they're banned on site now except for the main fire pit. They've made an exemption for us because it's core to what we do.

What is the situation regarding greenwood this year?

We used to be able to take some of the young sycamore and the like but I guess if a lot of it has been cleared, as I seem to recall someone mentioned, they might be a little more precious about what's left.
There's a blanket no cutting anything, they're very aware of what there is on site now, there's been lots cleared and they're proactively managing it. I've had a few conversations with the estate as they try to work out who's cut wood out in the past, especially some of the bigger stuff that's left them unimpressed.

But will it even still go on?
Unless there's a government change of policy that makes it untenable, yes.

Being a first time attendee, just to know for planning, are there any food vendors on site or is it 100% cook your own?
There's no food vendors, as Wayne said Forest Knights will be doing demo's etc but there are no facilities to buy food on site, fresh or cooked. As has been said, there's shops fairly close to the site for supplies. It's definitely a self catering setup.

The Welsh gov are announcing any changes later today so we'll know more then. The rates of virus infection in wales is increasing like the rest of the UK and I doubt that the changes will reflect the degree of freedom that England has proposed.

Ultimately we want everyone to be safe, it's a come and relax event that we will shape as best we can considering the circumstances, but inevitably it's not going to be a normal BushMoot.
No matter what the government policy changes to we want people to be a safe as possible, social distance, masks, washing hands etc etc. My aim is to get us back in the woods together in a safe environment with the freedom and time to relax and enjoy our time. Next year hopefully we'll be able to jump back into the Moot proper with both feet.
With the Welsh COVID changes being from 7th August, it means this will be under current restrictions.

So are we all a 'go', just on the basis that any individual workshop/gathering on site is no more than 30 people?
Some stuff changes from this coming Sat 17th, limits on numbers and social distancing rules.
It is a go, but there again it's been go all along :D I may be interpreting this incorrectly but I think there's no 30 people limit from Sat 17th


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.