
  • Hey Guest, We're having our annual Winter Moot and we'd love you to come. PLEASE LOOK HERE to secure your place and get more information.
    For forum threads CLICK HERE
  1. J

    New into bushcraft.

    Hey all, newbie, I've always had an interest in bushcraft. Watched Ray Mears all the time when I was younger but never actually done anything and I'm looking to get started. I live in Glasgow would appreciate if anyone knows places nearby I can practice some skills while I build up my kit. I...
  2. I

    Kent meet ups

    hi does anyone know of any Kent based meet ups or knowledge of the area?
  3. Lün

    Withdrawn Please Delete

    Please Delete
  4. Pioneer72

    Shropshire Bushcraft Group

    From searching the forum it seems that there used to be a small group of Shroppies who met up, but the group appears to be sleeping :sleeping: So I just thought about 're-kindling' it, excuse the pun :) Post here if you could be interested in occasional meets, or send me a pm. I don't have...
  5. riverwye

    Any Herefordshire & Surrounds Bushcraft / Wild Campers Out There?

    Hello everyone, I hope that you are well. I am attempting to set up a contact and social resource for bushcrafters and wild campers from Herefordshire and surrounding counties with the intention of putting people in contact with others to share experiences, meet and maybe arrange social get...
  6. Le Loup

    A Woodsrunner's Day Part One. VIDEO. By Keith H. Burgess. An ex West Sussex lad.

  7. Charlz9mm

    Micro sporran

    I made this tiny sporran. It has a; cowhide flap, pigskin pouch and goat skin cord. Made from hobby shop scraps. https://flic.kr/p/E5zRMp
  8. A

    1st Stebbing Scouts Need Your Help with a Bushcraft weekend

    Hi All, the 1st Stebbing Scout group in north Essex are running a backswoods experience weekend for the scouts, on the 2nd and 3rd of April, I am looking for an experienced bushcrafter to assist in helping the kids get the most from the weekend, we have access to a private woodland with lake so...
  9. Iain Lawrence

    My youtube channel

    Here is one of my recent trips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF63dWYLUk
  10. HandsonBushcraft

    Hands on Bushcraft - Bushcraft Experience 28th February

    Hi everyone, We have our Bushcraft Experience course coming up at the end of February (28th). This course covers a variety of skills including: - Fire lighting - Shelter building - Tree and plant ID - Game preparation - Cooking techniques - Spoon Carving We are happy to offer...
  11. D

    Another bushcraft jacket thread

    Hello! I know this has been done to death but I'm really struggling choosing a jacket. I'm looking for something for bumming about the woods, nothing too technical or expensive. Main criteria then: 1.)Budget, under £200, preferably new. 2.)Robust with regards to bushes and fire...
  12. L

    Bushcraft trip 2 nights out - Video

    Here is our 2 nights out from last weekend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5cN9PhiZiM
  13. L

    Canoeing and bushcraft in Scotland

    Here is a vid of last weeks trip to scotland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx_wK6ml8kA
  14. Braidsta

    My Video Journal Thread

    I've been keeping a journal of my outdoor activities in video journal format. I've had a lot of lovely feedback despite it being no more than a personal diary, and I really enjoy sharing a bit of knowledge through it. As the entries grow in number, I thought it best to keep them in a thread...
  15. L

    Bushcraft Job Lot (Most BRAND NEW) Grab a bargain!

    Bought with the intention of making a foray into Bushcraft but sadly I never got the chance to do so. All items have been listed individually but it would be considerably easier for me to sell it in one go. Feel free to ask my any questions about any of the items I will try to reply day and...
  16. L

    ***EnZo Trapper 95 Curly Birch BRAND NEW***

    As the title would suggest this is an EnZo Trapper 95 with Curcly Birch scales. It's razor sharp as would be expected from the amazing makers over at EnZo and furthermore it's one of the most beautiful knives I have ever owned by a long shot! Sadly I just don't have the time or motivation to...
  17. L

    Helle Harding *BRAND NEW* (quck sale needed)

    Sadly due to some pretty serious and ever more pressing fiscal problems, I am selling my Helle Harding. I wanted to take it out with me but I never got the chance. In terms of the actual knife itself, it's without a shadow of a doubt my favorite in my collection. I have owned a lot of knives in...
  18. Angst

    Burleigh Balm...Fresh From The States!

    Hi... a couple of weeks ago I took delivery of my first large consignment of Burleigh Balm from Nicholas Prevost in the States...groovy! I had a few samples at the 2014 Bushcraft Show and it went down well, so this year I decided to start stocking it in time for the 2015 Show and once again it...
  19. B

    Teepee or lean to?

    leave a post on what your favourite survial/bushcraft shelter is and if you could please leave a picture to inspire everyone else
  20. L

    Wanted: 50L or bigger stainless cooking pot

    Hi guys n gals... looking to get a LARGE cooking pot for making a brew in. it needs to be stainless steel... I have loads of camping, bushcraft, hunting, kayaking and walking gear for swaps if anyone can help me out / point me in the right direction for a cheap one. that would be awesome...