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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Damascus

    Cold steel tanto value?

    l‘m looking for some help, I have two as new, date from the early 90’s U.S. made cold steel master tanto and a mini tanto, these are the ones with brass fittings, to their value, as I know the newer ones go for silly money. I appreciate any help.
  2. Damascus

    New blood

    Its nice to see new blood returning on the forum, over the past few years a lot of names have disappeared and off to pastures new (face book, for example). May things return to the early “teens” and a lot more activity with meet ups, many have just drifted away, lock down hasn’t helped or has it?
  3. Damascus


    Can anybody help, the series Alone, I have done a search but can’t seem to find the link, somebody posted a link to be able to watch the series on line a few years ago and it seems to have disappeared. many thanks in advance!
  4. Damascus

    Merry xmas

    :christmas1: I like to wish everyone a happy Xmas and new year, :christmas2:
  5. Damascus

    Bearing block

    I'm looking for some ideas where to source a couple of sets bearings, to make bearing blocks for bow drill sets, I have some nice wood sitting around to use up. Thanks in advance!
  6. Damascus

    Help with a turbo flame lighter

    I have a turbo flame lighter and I'm having trouble refilling the thing, I know the refill can is sound as I have used it on another lighter, for some reason it will not fill this lighter. I have spoke to a friend who has had a similar problem or is it we are doing it wrong, maybe I need to know...
  7. Damascus

    Heads up, Fear the walking dead

    Just to let you know, fear the walking dead is on tonight on freeveiw channel 59 at 9pm worth a punt!
  8. Damascus

    Czech army bed roll question

    Can someone answer this conundrum, I've used my bed roll now for a couple of years now and tried several ways of folding it up, to work out what are those two straps do, one at each end when rolled up? can someone help and I'll sleep nights.
  9. Damascus

    How did you choose your bushcraft name

    A question, my name I have used for many years, yet as you meet up, new names evolve, something you have done or maybe something you have said! Mine would be if I changed it, "Smoke magnet", as no matter where I sit around the fire the smoke will follow me, what would yours be and...
  10. Damascus

    Heads up revolution

    For those who don't have sky, the series revolution starts next Tuesday 6th August on pick at 10pm. Haven't seen it myself, seen a couple of bits on YouTube, looking forward to seeing it.
  11. Damascus

    A group of trangia

    Over the weekends meet several of us used trangia of the swedish military style and we pondered as one does over a few beers, what is the collected name for one? we have a gaggle of geese, herd of cows flock of sheep etc etc, your thoughts and answers please>>>>>>>>>
  12. Damascus

    Lightweight 1 man tents

    Looking to get a new 1man tent for back packing, weight is a factor any recommendations. I have looked at vango, vaude, wild country and terra nova. any pros and cons appreciated.:camping:
  13. Damascus

    Bushcraft radio net

    This is really just a sounding board at the moment, I have recently got my ham radio licence and plan to purchase my first HF radio in the near future (QRP) and would like to know if any other users would be interested in forming a net say once a month or maybe more often, I plan to be using...
  14. Damascus

    Ultimate bushcraft sin!!!!

    Today we have had a really good day out and got talking and the subject, what is the ultimate bushcraft sin, our youngest member was asked to keep an eye on the fire :campfire:and he let it go out even though there was plenty of dry wood, reason not paying attention:hammock: What about you...
  15. Damascus

    Antler supplies

    Those who make knives getting materials can be a pain, popped in to Pets world to day in Norwich and in the Dog treat section, never seen them before bits of antler for the dog to chew!!!!!! I had a look through and found a few bits ideal for handles and only a couple of pound each, me thinks a...
  16. Damascus

    Cast Iron skillets at Aldi

    Heads up, Aldi have there Fajita pans in stock, £6-99, I have two and vouch how good they are and a nice small size but will hold 8 sausages in one go. Absolutely spot on See local stores for availability they are in Norwich this Thursday:dancer:
  17. Damascus

    Help I've melted my rubber seal on my Swedish Army Trangia

    After ten years I have finally done it and melted the rubber seal, the seal had come out of the lid and was on the top of the trangia, in the dark never noticed it and it melted.:aargh4::aargh4::aargh4: The big questioned where can i get replacement rubber seals, if anyone one knows, it will...
  18. Damascus

    Bearclaw web site

    Does anyone know what's happened to the Bearclaw site, went on it yesterday it has been a while though it seems to have closed down. D
  19. Damascus

    Flint and steel advice

    The Smoke magnet needs help I have a steel and flint but I have only managed to light cotton wool. The question is what's the best tinder and how to get hold of it.:campfire:
  20. Damascus

    St Georges Day

    Here it is, what coverage is there none, do we celebrate, no. Who thinks this should be a national holiday and celebrated for what it is and stands for.:headbang::headbang::headbang: