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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Ogri the trog

    Rustic Shave Horse Tutorial

    A recent Youtube offering from James Townsend & son - many of their videos are about historic cooking, but this one is making a riven shave horse and is worthy of being shared among the forum.
  2. Ogri the trog

    Outhaus Palmerston Swag - Factory Seconds Outhaus have some factory seconds of their "Palmerston Swag" available. From reading elsewhere, there are 2 issues; First is a seam that is not fully waterproofed Second is an eyelet that needs to be moved to allow the poles to be used correctly...
  3. Ogri the trog

    Site photos

    Does anyone have any photos of the site from the winter or spring Moot, or at least since the estate have performed the tree removal since last year. I hear it has changed quite a bit and I'd like to see what its like so I can adjust my kit for this years visit. Cheers
  4. Ogri the trog

    Nic Westerman's Sharpening Discussion

    I present for your attention a video discussion of sharpening techniques with Nic Westerman. Enjoy Ogri the trog
  5. Ogri the trog

    Bushcraft activity provider wanted for South Wales event

    Gentlefolks - I have been asked by a friend of a friend if I know any Bushcraft activity providers for a weekend Art & Bushcraft festival in July (2017) in Rudry near Caerphilly. Simple demonstrations / family activities etc. Apart from that core information, I know precious little else, but...
  6. Ogri the trog

    Anyone got a coracle I could borrow?

    I was out with a fellow yesterday who mentioned that he has committed to doing a paddle for charity by rowing a coracle across Llyn Clywedog (a man-made flood control reservoir near the head-waters of the River Severn), some two and a half miles! The furthest he's been in one before now is about...
  7. Ogri the trog

    Any bee keepers on the forum?

    I have a bees nest in my attic, they've been there since late summer, producing combs of honey but not overly bothering us living below. A few weeks ago as the temperature dropped and they became virtually inactive, I went for a little shufty and managed to break part of a comb off and...
  8. Ogri the trog

    Kydex sheath query!

    A question for those "in-the-know" about Kydex. I'm having a hankering for a different knife, nothing outrageous, slightly more "tactical" than my current haul of woody clones but still with a plain edge, probably about a five and a half to six inch blade with micarta scales. Now comes the...
  9. Ogri the trog

    Enter/return key inoperative in reply box!

    Here's a weird thing, my "enter button" does not work when I am typing replies on the forum. It must be something to do with the "reply window" as once I submit the reply, I can select "Edit reply" and put in all the necessary "enter strokes" to make the post neat & tidy. I will admit that I am...
  10. Ogri the trog

    Good information about emergency mobile phone use.

    Just caught this on another site.... Sensible tips for emergency mobile phone calls ATB Ogri the trog
  11. Ogri the trog

    Wild berry question....

    Calling on the collective knowledge of the forum to help my eldest who, as part of her PE theory lessons in school is looking at various diets. Anyway the topic comes up about blood sugars and how foods affect the levels. What I'm after is the name of a UK berry that causes a dip in blood...
  12. Ogri the trog

    Teach me about GPS!

    As much as it pains me to admit it, I have no knowledge about these things. I am quite comfortable using a map and compass, indeed I teach navigation to a few youth organizations. However it is becoming aparent that I am turning into a dinosaur in not keeping up with technology! What I am...
  13. Ogri the trog

    Something we should all be aware of..... Chalara Fraxinea

    Thanks to our friend Dave Budd on Facebook for pointing out a youtube clip describing the life cycle of the Chalara Fraxinea / Ash Dieback Fungus. Have a watch folks and keep your eyes peeled when out & about - if you find anything suspicious, report it to Fera/Forestry Commission...