Och other people always seem to have done stuff. I've been looking at my own cv lately and been astonished that i also seem to have 'done stuff'...I just hope noone asks me about it cos i can't remember! I'm sure you have too, its just the way you view it and put it across.
Sounds like a good move to be further from a worrying mum if she doesn't REALLY need you
Great that you've got new countryside to explore
I dunno. I'm getting pretty desperate now. Haven't seen anyone about it, just hoping it'll go away and alternating days between resting and doing things (or trying). Even got some exercises off t'internet. But entering 2nd week now so reckon I'll book to see the quack on Monday
I'm worried about it cos I'm so double jointed and got osteoarthritis in my hands, that he's going to say it'll only get worse. That's why i don't want to go.