Sussex Group meet in October


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
It's forecasting rain now, better get my tarp pitched sharpish on arrival as Bergen isn't waterproof (or are they?). Have never slept under a tarp in the rain... looking forward to it!


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
tis only supposed to rain Sunday afternoon from ive seen:(, mind you it was supposeed to be sunny here today and it's been down right miserable for the best part of the day:confused:


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
Quite glad it was cool today - been working hard outdoors installing my gates - done now & my measurements were correct (which is a first...)
Sep 29, 2011
It's forecasting rain now, better get my tarp pitched sharpish on arrival as Bergen isn't waterproof (or are they?). Have never slept under a tarp in the rain... looking forward to it!

This is where you discover if your set-up is right! Water running down your hammock and tarp lines, tarp not long enough etc. I've not done much camping under tarp in rain but it is a learning curve in my experience!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 29, 2009
Lost in the woods
Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum and should be meeting some of you at the weekend. Kepis invited my daughter and me along, so I had to order myself a tentipi safir 7 cp, which should be arriving tomorrow from Nordic Outdoors, who kindly gave me a forces discount (retired). If the weather is terrible, at least we will have a communalish space to sit around the fire.

Look forward to meeting you all :)

Hi Keith welcome to the forum.
We met in the field on the big picnic day, I was chatting to you at Marks stand.
I'll see you at the weekend mate.



Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
Yes, I am afraid they have a no dog policy, but apart from that you are welcome to come along. Can those attending add their name to the list, by copying the list into a new post & adding your name (+any others). This is standard with these meets, as it helps the organisor keep track of numbers:

1 Neumo
2 Spandit
3 monkey boy
4 Neil1
5 Hugo
6 Dark Horse Dave
7 Kep + 1, possibly +4 and subect to work, still trying to reschedule stuff i had to do on the 8th.
8 Peter_t
Last edited:


Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
As for the weather, it looks like it will rain on the Saturday night/Sunday morning but Sunday day looks OK. If you are in a hammock then having some carabeaners or a drip line is essential to stop your hammock getting we; ask & we can help you with that if you are unsure. Likewise, setting up a hammock under a trap just needs a bit of attention to detail if it is going to rain hard, to make sure the rain wont get to your hammock and sleeping gear. If we are lucky then we may have a parachute to sit under but a tent with enough space would be good if not. I will be bringing my big 4.5x4.25m polycotton tarp so we will have a few options for a communal area if it rains a lot.

My new Ronnie Sunshines big folding grill arrived today, so we will have a big cooking area over the fire/coals. If anyone has a largeish kettle then that would be good, as we usually have quite a few tea breaks.That's all I can think of for now. Only a few days to go so am looking forward to this.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
I can bring a Kelly Kettle. I'll be inside a bivi bag so shouldn't get wet regardless. My tarp is hopefully big enough to cover me & my stuff too


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
Just been told I'm losing my flash car which I didn't want to park there overnight - means I'll have my old car which I can sleep in if I get cold!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 9, 2008
Ubique Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt
I can make both Fri and Sat nights. With visitors as well, but not all staying overnight.

1 Neumo
2 Spandit
3 monkey boy
4 Neil1
5 Hugo
6 Dark Horse Dave
7 Kep + 1, possibly +4 and subect to work, still trying to reschedule stuff i had to do on the 8th.
8 Peter_t
9 widu13 + 4!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 9, 2008
Ubique Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt
I didn't say we were sleeping in it! Mind you how many wildcampers take pressure lanterns, tables, chairs, tipis, bowsaws, large axes, beer! We're going schrafting aren't we. Any fool can be uncomfortable. I could tough it out in a bivvy bag and lean to but I'm not going to!

My sleeping arrangements will the polish poncho/Lavvu for me and a pop up tent for the kids.

We should be there about 5ish tonight. See you all on D8.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Im just packing all my stuff now, talk about early:D, but i have good reason, i have to be at the lakes all afternoon to see a contractor who has been on site all week with 13 ton machine and a 20 ton roller amongst other things, so i need to make sure all the work they were supposed to do has been done and been done to my satisfaction and that it's all left neat and tidy etc etc etc, before i sign it off and they present with me a big bill :(.

Still, im looking forward to the weekend, tis going to be a laugh, im bringing a few bow drill sets with me, im not going to bring masses of hand drill stuff though, i managed to get one bunny, but i had some of it for dinner last night - soz couldnt resist, the rest is all cooked up so im going to remove the all the meat from the bone and just bring that along, i will have more than enough for me so if anyone wants to try some, you will be more than welcome, might bring some garlic bannock mix with me and a pancake mix as well, will see how time goes today.

Should be there mid morning all being well, btw, im assuming that when we get there and go tto reception we just say we are part of the BCUK group on D8?.

See you tomorrow chaps and chapessess


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
I've tried sending everyone a PM with my real name but wasn't allowed to send to more than one recipient so you'll have to guess when I arrive!

Perhaps our first activity could be carving name badges? :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 29, 2009
Lost in the woods
I packed yesterday apart from grub.
SHMBO got me the usual bacon sausage beans, I made a small amount of bannock mix with raisins.
Tarp or ten I'm thinking ? better take both.

See you there guys.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.