It was accidentally dropped on some rocks and driven over by a small tractor with a lawnmower attachment on the front, pulling a trailer loaded with firewood. A lot of firewood. As in, 8 feet long and 4 wide of heaped high trailer's worth of firewood.
I know this because I made the knife and was there when my uncle drove over it
Basically the tip of the knife was wedged against one rock and the other end against another, and the blade gave under the weight of the ATV/tractor/load.
So you might say the forces involved were excessive...
Barry, the blade might be broken now, but that picture is the worst photochop I've seen in a long time. Aint it time you put your hand up to that leg-puller?

What you probably dont know, it that the picture was disected and reconstructed to show how it was photoshopped back when you originally posted it on BB. Dont make me copy it over mate.

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