Helle Temagami - Passaround

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
As of about 20 minutes ago the passaround officially began.

This arrived earlier today:



All I did was unpack it to check it (I had to have a little look ;) ) and then I popped it into our local post office and it is on its way to The Big Lebowski, for delivery tomorrow morning :)

Tracking number: ZW768140610GB

I've not cut anything with it or done anything to it other than take it out of the sheath, photograph it (badly) and put it all back again for RMSD, so the knife is as it shipped from Helle (scary edge - you have been warned !!!)

I will contact each person individually by PM to give them the next person's mailing address and I would appreciate a message either in this thread or via PM confirming receipt of it as and when it goes from person to person.

Other than that, all it remains for me to do is sit back and wait and see what you lot think of it - I will be interested to hear your honest and considered opinions, especially if they agree with mine :rolleyes: :D

Best of luck to all participants and I hope you all enjoy using the Temagami :)
Something to look forward too other than Hammocks, Noyau, a late night and probably a hangover :)

Oh, and still having 10 digits sunday :p

Thanks for sorting this one out, al.
Well... My weekend affair with the Temagami has now come to an end *sniff* and Dave53 is now oogling it lovingly!

Out of the box the workmanship was flawless. The blade and handle match seamlessly, the tang and brass bolts where polished to the woodwork without fault.
The curly birch handle was of good proportion (nice and thick) and big enough for generous hands, as well as petite lady like hands (mine :p ) It felt slightly textured, despite being polished which helped with the overall grip.

Sharpness/Edge Retention-
It came out the box as sharp as the best of them, hair popping, paper slicing, Oooo- that's beastie kind of sharp! I carved a spoon out of Ivy (badlly), feather-sticks where a breeze, It laughed in the face of seasoned hornbeam and peeled a large dry(ish) Birch Polypore with nothing more than one 5 minute strop to bring the edge back. The stainless blended steel is very, very nice.

Ergonomics- I just could not find an uncomfortable grip with the Temagami... You could carve for hours (which I pretty much did) without fatigue due to both the comfort of the handle, and the slight drop in angle of the blade geometry. (not recurved, slightly downwards from heel to tip)

I could only find one thing that I did not really like, the jimmping seemed just in the wrong place for push cuts on wrist thick wood (carving a cylinder), and left my opposite thumb with slight micro-serrations and tender, I didn't really notice this for an hour or so... It may have just been me, but I felt it was in the wrong position for my tastes.

Build Quality fantastic, Ergonomics same, Steel/Edge Retention stunning- Made it worth the money alone.

For the price, its one heck of a knife 'off the shelf'

You really should check one out!

With thanks to Xunil for being most kind :)

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Am I too late to jump on this passaround? :)

EDIT: Just saw it's max 10 people... :( Can I go on a 'reserve' list just in case anyone drops out?

I can keep your name to hand in case someone drops out, however, I may be organising a few more Helle passarounds shortly - I'm thinking of the Nying, Fjellkniven, Eggen, Fossekallen and Taiga. Maybe also the Harding, for starters anyway :)

:rolleyes: I know, I know. So many knives and only two hands and one lifetime in which to enjoy them all :rolleyes:

If this is simple curiosity then we can see if someone drops out but if you are seriously interested in the Temagami then drop me a PM - I can send you my first production run carbon version to look at and play with, if you like, but I will need that one back within a fortnight at most since I have promised to demonstrate making a knife-only longbow and the Temagami is the tool I've already said I will be using - I'd hate to disappoint my students :)

The stainless one that is currently going the passaround journey probably won't come full circle back to me until some time in August (ish).

If The Big Lebowski's reaction is anything to go by, getting the knife back at all is going to be the challenge :)

Everyone I show it to wants to keep it :D

Let me know whether you want to try the carbon version and I can get it shipped out to you for the weekend, provided it comes back to me in time to demonstrate with.

Over to you.
it's a gorgeous piece of kit. Solid, comfortable & capable.
Loving mine more each time I use it.

Absolutely: the more I use mine, the more I want to use it.

That's not supposed to be an "as the actress said to the bishop"-type comment, just a statement of truth! Honest!
hi all no i havant done a bunk with it ged but i would like to say i would gladly add it to my collection of knives .
any way my review theres not a lot i can say that tbl hasnt said the blade edge is good i loved the handle nice and chunky as i like them , even though up against my woodlore weight wise much lighter yet just as capable, i carved a spoon with it at dartmoor for katie ivans daughter


i would say this is a very good all round knife well worth the money
as my first knife was hand made to my specs was £85, this knife off the shelf is well worth the price, i wouldnt mind one if you want one go get it regards dave


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.