What is the best bushcrafting dog?

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hopefully Bear grylls releases his 'ultimate survival dog' soon, then we'll be sorted! ;)
Just in case this thread is resurrected...

I would consider some sidepacks for him...but as soon as we get near water....


He comes with us and sleeps in the tent/basha at night. Tethered if basha.


Just out of interest, what kind of a meal can a westie catch ?

Rats, voles and other small vermin usually. My mums jack russel killed her chickens, garden frogs and has a go at the hedge hogs..partly my fault for getting the dog into sniffing out rats on the river bank..
Just out of interest, what kind of a meal can a westie catch ?

I don't know about BadUncleBob's Westies, but in the condition that I came back from my last trip, all I would have to have done would have been to sit down at the side of the road, tie my bandana around Monty's neck and people would have soon given me enough dosh for a Big Mac and fries :)
Rats, voles and other small vermin usually. My mums jack russel killed her chickens, garden frogs and has a go at the hedge hogs..partly my fault for getting the dog into sniffing out rats on the river bank..

Err, thanks all the same Samon, but I think I would prefer to eat with BadUncleBob, he has a more traditional menu.
The best bushcraft dog? A Hälleforsare any time!

Can it kill a animal for you? It's a hunting dog and if it want it can kill anything that runs or flies, there is stories about some of them killing moose by them self... it's that enough meat for you?
How about protection? They are used as hunting dogs for moose, bear and wild boar so if you train them well they will protect you from anything but a atom bomb...
Stamina? One of our old dogs could if he got the scent after a moose run after it for a day and not come home after 2-3days...
Suited for the outdoors? They are a Spitz type of dog so cold weather and rain are nothing for their fur, the color of the fur is red or light yellow so you can easily see them.
If they are well trained they are the best you can get, if not why not try a Jämthund, Norwegian Elkhound, Karelian Bear Dog or a West Siberian Laika? (Note the last 2 are a bit aggressive to other dogs and people)
Since the Spitz type of dog is the one closest to Wolf genetically almost all Spitz type of are good bushcraft dogs.
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Since the Spitz type of dog is the one closest to Wolf genetically almost all Spitz type of are good bushcraft dogs.

Not actually true for two different and contradictory reasons.
A) It was actually something small and lapdog that was closest to the wolf genetically. IIRC it was the pommeranian.
B) The Wolf and domestic dogs (all breeds) are too close genetically to distinguish with any accuracy due to gentic variance and deviation. There are just no definitive genetic markers for wolf and any breed of domestic dog.

Having said that I know which would be my choice and it isn't a little furball lapdog but a preper dog like a spitz or my personally favourites... lurchers, JRTs and Irish Wolfhound (well its not the biggest or heaviest but is the tallest dog breed and I am kinda tall and thin myself so it would suit me somehow).

Nice dawg BTW. A doggy that cute could be forgiven easily if it misbehaves.


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