Wool Bush Shirt ...

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Hey guys, anyone heard any news about the Mastino Bushshirt on the grapevine, I think its been about a month since the last post and i was wondering if Kevs seamstress Peggy aka wonder woman had got better yet, lets hope so and i hope it wasnt all the extra work we gave her that made her ill!

It's not going to happen. The sheer amount of work required to make them even with a healthy seamstress means that the price Kevin offered to make them for would probably mean he makes/made a loss on every one.

I'm sure he may make you one if you contacted him privately. I would envisage the cost to be at LEAST doubled.
Hi. I have been a bit remiss in keeping this up to date. I have been ill (glandular fever - strange for a 38 yr old I know!) for quite a while and have been unable to get in to see him. This coincided with him doing a big warehouse clearance and taking lots of stock on (and suspending the mail order side of the business while he sorted this out). Plus Peggy has been running at quite a bit less than half a tank. I am going to try and catch up with him on Thursday or Friday and clarify things. For those who have paid deposits I am sure that Kev has contacted them direct. I can only re-iterate to those that have - if they change their minds then I will step in and refund direct (even though I took no money myself) and then settle things with Kev direct.

If the shirt is not going to go past the top ten then I will also speak to him releasing the stock of these blankets for those who wish to have them made up elsewhere. But I will have to check with Kev first about the lay of the land. I think that Mastino has the original pattern.

I am sorry for this guys. It was a good idea but I think I seemed to have overwealmed the seamstress.

... Kevs seamstress Peggy aka wonder woman had got better yet, lets hope so and i hope it wasnt all the extra work we gave her that made her ill!

...It was a good idea but I think I seemed to have overwealmed the seamstress.

Having just finished the mods on my shirt I now know just how big a task this for Peggy. I was only moving the kanga and stacka pockets up the chest :eek: and I struggled at times lugging the shirt around to get it lined up on the sewing machine.

Fingers crossed Peggy recovers soon but I don't think she'll be rushing back to the shirts :(
Kevin has posted an update on the site:

"Page Update last: 25 03 2010 / 006:48 HRS

PEGGY Up-date: As you are aware Peggy has had several 'health' issues recently causing our Project to jutter just a little.........having just returned from 'The Docs' Peggy has had injections in each Wrist to help with the 'Carpal Tunnel' and is now back on our Project. Not sure how things will go but will keep you fully informed. Meanwhile, hang in there or drop me a line or e-mail if any queries. Thankyou. Kevin"
Dropped in to the shop yesterday for the first time and saw one of these beauties. Think it was Korvin's (about to be posted) and it looked great. Met Peggy too who seemed upbeat about the steroid treatment she's receiving and is back to work (albeit slowly). Lots of interesting kit there besides and good people. I'll be back in there soon.
Okay. Been away for quite a while so I am catching up with things. Tying up loose ends. Finding out what's up.

'We' were planning to get to the first ten (those who have paid deposits etc) and get some feedback. Its all getting a bit warm now so I would have thought that interest will be on the wane anyway. I wouldn't mind any feedback on the shirts and at least a PM from those guys who have had them and used them.


Okay. Been away for quite a while so I am catching up with things. Tying up loose ends. Finding out what's up.

'We' were planning to get to the first ten (those who have paid deposits etc) and get some feedback. Its all getting a bit warm now so I would have thought that interest will be on the wane anyway. I wouldn't mind any feedback on the shirts and at least a PM from those guys who have had them and used them.


How many folks received their shirts, I lost track, was it the first 2 or 3 chaps on the list?

I'm 9 on the list and still hoping somehow, more shirts magically appear, however with Peggy suffering (Hope she is a little more comfortable now) I appreciate it is doubtful the rest will get completed....ahem :(

Its not really the time of year for it as things hot up.....but best get prepared for winter now :). So it looks like we are ready to roll again on this. Mesquite has been done, TeeDee has been done, Korvin Karbon has been done. I am looking for feedback from TeeDee and Korvin Karbon as soon as possible. Ideally before we continue. Kev has put a call into Techworm...next on the list.
Hi guys

I have my shirt, actually i have had it for nearly a more than a month but only had it on once indoors as i have been manic with work, several roadshows back to back and living hotels is not fun.

I will endevour to get some pics up next week.

Saying that, the quality is great the service excellent and it is very green :-). well done to littlebiglane for organising the shirt and to kev and peggy for getting it done :D:D:D:D
Thanks for posting. Looking forward to the feedback. As I am sure are others.



Hi guys

I have my shirt, actually i have had it for nearly a more than a month but only had it on once indoors as i have been manic with work, several roadshows back to back and living hotels is not fun.

I will endevour to get some pics up next week.

Saying that, the quality is great the service excellent and it is very green :-). well done to littlebiglane for organising the shirt and to kev and peggy for getting it done :D:D:D:D
Kev and Peggy are up for it. Can I have a nod from those left who have paid a deposit. I need to clear the top ten and then we will see the situation from there. Who's next on the list? Or shall I say...who on the list has not had a shirt made, has not had their deposit refunded (or recieved other goods in lieu of the deposit) and who still wants a shirt made?

1 Mesquite
2 korvin karbon
3 techworm
4 TeeDee
5 welshwhit

6 lewiman201
7 BushEd
8 coln18
9 Leonidas
10 Pepperana

I give it a couple of weeks then I'll go to the first person on the list that has says yes...and then we can proceed :)

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