Win a fantastic Bushcraft Home.......for £25!

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I couldn't resist either. Probably like most folks here, it was the woods that swung it!
Her: "Oh look 5 double bedrooms with en suites".
Me: "Look at those woodlands".

Nearly there !!

I heard it mentioned on Radio 2 tonight so I don`t think it`ll take much longer befoe the last one`s are sold.

come to daddy

I don't know - surely you could make enough from the fishing and renting the four lodges? Or sell it quickly at a knock down price and buy a place you fancy with the cash.
I don't know - surely you could make enough from the fishing and renting the four lodges? Or sell it quickly at a knock down price and buy a place you fancy with the cash.

Don't forget all the bushcrafters you could charge to come and stay ;) But as Scanker said if you can't afford it sell it quick and get somewhere you can afford.
Looks like a great place, taken a punt. Winning things like this must be the all time most popular day dream! Thanks for the pointer.
That`s it all done, 46,000 raffle tickets sold.

I can see them piling up the cash into stacks on the table now.

We`re to look out for entry tickets in our mail boxes now so eyes peeled.
Draw to be made on 16/10 when all the numbers have been issued - good luck to veryone here who has a ticket!!
Okay its weird, its wacky my view...worth a punt :)

5 bedroom house......

4 * 2 bedroom timber lodges...........

11.5 acres ...Woodland, paddock & lake

50 year old 2 acre fishing lake

Established business.....

Worth £950,000

Being raffled at £25 a ticket.

For legal reasons its a "game of skill"...took us 3 seconds to find the answer from Google.

Will you win?

Probably not

But someone will!



Sounds cool, though by now it's probably a half million pound property...
tick tock tick tock

6 days to go guys - good luck for Thursday to everyone who`s entered and remember it`s open doors to all axe weilding camo clad hairy folk, and bushcrafters.
Typical for the government to stop it. Heaven forbid someone gets on the property ladder for a mere £25. and the council making no money..


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.