Stormy weather

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Its been noisy here but at the moment its quiet.

This is quite a sheltered area, not on the coast, and in-between the hills.
How is everyone?

We woke up to the storm before the storm. Something went crash during the night but I can't see any big damage. Had a few short power cuts which suggest the HV cable somewhere is getting damaged.

Been down the road and clear quite a bit of ash dieback debris, but nothing large down yet...
Been a wild night in SE Wales. Roof tiles chattering since about 2am. We secured most stuff yesterday evening, will check the tiles in a bit but didn't hear them move, just chatter (about 20 years ago, we glued them all in place with lots of silicone sealant, been through a few storms since then). Lift and chatter in high winds is "not unusual"..... There's a row of mature trees in a verge at the bottom of the back garden and they are far enough away not to pose a risk but close enough to provide a surprising amount of shelter. Going out to check the roof (from a distance) in a bit.

Our Saturday morning shopping delivery was cancelled, next slot is Monday. (not a problem, we don't let things run down too much).

Bit of a strange storm- a few times in the night there was an extra roar- almost like thunder- that was the biggest gusts.

M4 is closed in a few places- both Severn crossings, the Kenfig Viaduct near Port Talbot, the new Briton Ferry bridge. There's go-arounds for the latter two if you know the way, but not many people out. Trains not running until after 12pm.

Place we are renovating is OK, builder went up to check this morning, but it's inland in a sheltered spot.

Here's hoping everyone is OK and not too much damage.

Multiple power cuts before I lost count and finally crashed out last night. It's still howling here in SW Wales. Loud crashings from the wood behind the cottage last night but not safe to investigate in this wind. The trees out the front which did have leaves are now completely bare, so Mother Nature sorted that out and they are all ready for new clothes in the Spring..:)

Where did all the leaves go?

Here....My front porch!! :laugh:
Power been out overnight, now thankfuly back on. Slept through it all thanks to cold medicine, but the house is very chilly. The heating doesn't seem to be kicking back in. The landline keeps ringing, but doesn't give me time to answer. Guess it's someone checking on me, but I need a few more than five rings to get out of bed and into the living room to answer it!
Still very windy though it seems to be calming a bit.
Thanks are due to all those technicians out there in this maelstrom trying to keep the power on. Bless their hearts.
8.30 am, the bike cover was in place and in one piece. Now, though the framework of the up and over is still standing strong, the canvas cover is in shreds. :( still, if that's my worst damage, I'm lucky.
Wind has picked up again and the trees are thrashing about like crazy. I'm staying in bed, but feeling marginaly better....apart from loosing my voice, and the heating has finaly kicked in again. The timer is all to keck tho, and I have no hot water, which isn't a big deal, but I was planning a nice comforting bath today.

Ferlas Dave, hope you get sorted ASAP and not too much damage.
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Don't forget to check thee use by date on your hotwater bottle!! It has a circle with a year on it. IIRC it is either the production date or the use by date. Apparently they have a safe life of 3 years. They can last longer but the hot water can degrade the rubber and it ages on top too. The result the bottle can rupture and cause serious scalding.
Thank you, I am a keen water bottle user and I had no idea!

My ferret was obsessed with the wheat microwavable ones. She would hide them around the house and then move them place to place, like hiding baby ferrets. They must have smelt really interesting.

I have one of those victorian copper pans you put coals in, but just for decoration.
A most peculiar tree fall here a few minutes ago. Sitting inside I heard a loud crack above the howl of the wind. Picked up my camera and went to back door, another crack. Walked down the garden and looked across at the lane as a final crashing noise and a few seconds late, took this photo.
If I'd been a bit quicker I could have been a You Tube video star.... :laugh:

Judging by the noises there are much bigger trees down in the wood nearby.
Appear to be unscathed here.

This photo from Reuters with the caption "Fallen barriers in Penarth, Wales" is odd, unless someone is getting paid per photo.

10 miles west of Taunton here. Four major panels of our 14x8 foot Halls greenhouse have blown out, despite being double- or triple-clipped in. One glass panel about 5’ x 2’ from the roof flew around 10 feet and smashed on the ground, but it looks like we’ve managed to save the others so far. Unfortunately we’ve also had 2 of the frame screws break off as well. They’re only made of ally but unfortunately they are an odd design to fit into the frame channels that means you can only use their screws to repair the frame. I’ve replaced them but it remains to be seen how long those screws will last……

We’re also in a power outage that started 2 hours back. The estimated resolution time for that is 00:30 tomorrow!

Cheers, Bob.
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It's gotten very windy here again. Hearing all sorts of bangs and thumps.
Watching the trees behind next door but one, swaying from my bedroom window is unerving, and making me seasick!!
They are big trees, and if one goes, we have a serious house damage problem to at least four or five properties in this little cul de sac. Fingers crossed, and praying.
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We have a loose tile on the roof at the back. Hopefully it doesn't slide down any further.... wind has veered to a more northerly direction and seems to be easing a bit now so hopefully not....

Every arborist , tree surgeon, fence erector and general handymen in my area are laying out their ' If we can ' messages on local community forums

So , I guess every dark , powerful storm cloud has it silver lining for some. :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.